
Fellow moms, we all go through it, you are not alone

Disclosure: This post is a sponsored post for which I received monetary compensation. In some cases, compensation may have been used to purchase the item so that I may give a personal account of my experience.

I’ve got two little sunflowers at home. Over the years, my daughter has never missed a day of school for illness. Pretty good, for a mom who never breastfed her, right? Well, she’s nine now, and just when our world was going nuts, her immune system decided to rebel and she spiked a fever. Now, this is rather normal for her when her allergies kick in, but for some reason, this time around, the fever hung out much longer than expected. Awesome. Fellow moms, we all go through it, you are not alone, because I know while all of this was happening, I just wanted a minute to just “be.”

Fellow moms you are not alone

Fellow moms you are not alone

Let’s back up a bit and set the scene…… my own mother had just suffered a heart attack, which led to a stroke, all at the same time. After she basically died a couple of times, she pulled herself through with the help of surgeons, machines, and just utter will to live. However, she was in the hospital, in the Acute Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Now, the kids couldn’t visit her, as they are both too young.

And then, Little Miss ends up with a fever. We chalked it up to her allergies, gave her some Children’s Advil®. The fever went down, she was looking good, and then boom. The darn thing returned. It went on like this for two days, and for those two days, I was going out of my mind. I couldn’t visit my mother, I had to keep The Boy away from her, and I had to basically stay away from her, too. I was like a zoo keeper with a bear – I’d get her food, water, and her Children’s Advil®, slide it over to her and run. Poor kid. I just couldn’t risk getting sick, and having to stay away from mom for even more time!

Mom guilt

I felt tremendous guilt. Yes, I wanted my little girl to feel better, and get back to school, but I couldn’t risk getting sick. We had no clue what was going on, because she’s never sick, and this fever was lasting longer than her usual “allergies” fever. Doctor just said it was a virus, and it had to run the course. She was a trooper, and understood. However, I still felt guilty. More often than not, as a mom, I have mom guilt on a daily basis. When the kids are sick, it’s just more intense. You want them to get better, but you also don’t want to catch the illness, and you want a few minutes to just collect your thoughts and just “be.”

I truly believe this A Mom can Dream video explains the entire thought process in a mom’s head when a kid is sick. You’ve got to watch the video –> A Mom Can Dream

Make sure you like the Sick just got real.™ Facebook Page, because you never know what you’ll find there!

By | 2018-03-23T08:21:53-04:00 May 4, 2016|Family|Comments Off on Fellow moms, we all go through it, you are not alone

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!