Health and Nutrition 2023-01-22T12:55:17-05:00

Health and Nutrition

We all benefit from physical activity and eating the right nutritional foods. With only so many hours in the day, and all of our daily obligations, how in the world are we supposed to eat all of the nutritionally dense foods necessary to maintain our health? How do we get in the physical activity that promises us a healthy body, and mind? Honestly, unless we all don’t have to go to work or drive our kids to activities, there’s just one thing we can do: our best.

It’s my goal every day to do my best for my mind, body, and soul. Does it always happen? Nope. But, with specific tips, tricks, and a healthy mind, I’m able to thrive and not just survive! I can shake off the times I don’t achieve all of my daily goals, and start each day fresh and new, and focused. Hopefully some of these resources can help you the way they have helped me, and others. Dig in!

If you feel overwhelmed, start slow with some of these:

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  • add more veggies to your diet

5 Easiest Ways to Add More Veggies to Your Diet

February 12, 2025|0 Comments

Everyone tells us we need to create healthy plates of food with all the colors of the rainbow. What's that mean? You need to add more veggies to your diet, that's what! Truth is many [...]

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Winter Wellness Guide: Staying Healthy & Energized Through Colder Months

January 27, 2025|0 Comments

It’s understandable why some animals hibernate through the coldest months of the year. The animals stay warm and cozy as they await the warmth of spring. Humans can learn from animals about how to keep [...]

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Foods that Boost Thyroid Function for a Healthier Winter

January 23, 2025|0 Comments

When you don’t have a healthy thyroid, symptoms can be difficult to manage. Constant fatigue paired with mood swings and uncontrolled weight fluctuations along with all of the other less-than-fun symptoms has a way of [...]

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How to Set Realistic Fitness Goals for Thyroid Management in the New Year

January 6, 2025|0 Comments

Whether you have hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, or post-ablative hypothyroidism, maintaining your health and fitness is an essential part of your overall wellness. With the New Year, you might be feeling the pressure to enhance your thyroid [...]

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Menopause Awareness: it isn’t the beginning of the end

September 1, 2024|Comments Off on Menopause Awareness: it isn’t the beginning of the end

September is National Menopause Awareness month. Now, let's be real. We all know menopause happens - men, women, children, doctors, even our dogs. Everybody knows the word, and that women go through menopause. What we [...]

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Lemon Juice Health Benefits You Need to Know

August 29, 2024|Comments Off on Lemon Juice Health Benefits You Need to Know

Fresh lemons make this girl happy. I cook with them, bake with them, make tasty beverages with them - and I use all its parts, not just the lemon juice! What can I say, I'm [...]

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How to Create a Mentally Healthy Morning Routine

July 22, 2024|Comments Off on How to Create a Mentally Healthy Morning Routine

The right morning routine has the potential to nurture your mind, body, and spirit, providing you with a healthy mindset that can influence the rest of the day. A mindful and mentally healthy morning routine [...]

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Why Scalp Health is Crucial for Hair Growth

June 10, 2024|Comments Off on Why Scalp Health is Crucial for Hair Growth

Did you know that having a healthy scalp is essential for hair growth? It’s true! We focus so much on strands to save our thinning hair that we forget the most foundational part of our [...]

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5 Ways Dental Implants Can Enhance Your Confidence

March 18, 2024|Comments Off on 5 Ways Dental Implants Can Enhance Your Confidence

Living with missing teeth can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem. Whether due to injury, decay, or other factors, dental implants offer a transformative solution to help restore your smile and confidence. Enhance Your Smile [...]

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Holistic Health: Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit for Well-Being

February 26, 2024|Comments Off on Holistic Health: Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit for Well-Being

The human body is a deceptively complex organism, consisting of multiple systems that contribute to the well-being of the whole. Interconnected and collaborative, these systems contribute to "homeostasis.” This word describes a desired state of [...]

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Empowering Patients: The Rise of Patient-Centered At-Home Healthcare

February 19, 2024|Comments Off on Empowering Patients: The Rise of Patient-Centered At-Home Healthcare

At-home healthcare is nothing new. However, its popularity is rising due to the significant technological advances in recent years. Remote health monitoring devices, telemedicine consultations, and virtual care platforms are transforming our approach to healthcare. [...]

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Common Ailments

February 12, 2024|Comments Off on Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Common Ailments

If you’re suffering from headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue, or some other common ailment, you should consider natural homeopathic remedies. Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Common Ailments Not only are they practical, safe, and readily available, but [...]

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Grab Your Rubber Ducky for National Bubble Bath Day

January 8, 2024|Comments Off on Grab Your Rubber Ducky for National Bubble Bath Day

Whether you're like me and not a big fan of any kind of baths, let alone a bubble bath, you can still celebrate National Bubble Bath day in fun ways. Personally, I've always an issue [...]

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4 Reasons to Schedule Eye Exams Every Year

October 4, 2023|Comments Off on 4 Reasons to Schedule Eye Exams Every Year

Eye exams are a crucial part of staying healthy, especially as you get older. If you've ever had a bad eye exam experience or just don't know what to expect at the doctor's office, you're [...]

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Real Talk: Perimenopause Symptoms Nobody’s Talking About

October 2, 2023|Comments Off on Real Talk: Perimenopause Symptoms Nobody’s Talking About

Ladies. If you're born with ovaries you're destined to go through the - what they call natural - transition where your ovaries stop working like they did during your reproductive years. Your menstrual cycle has [...]

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Essential Dental Tips to Teach Kids About Good Oral Hygiene Habits

September 25, 2023|Comments Off on Essential Dental Tips to Teach Kids About Good Oral Hygiene Habits

As a mom, taking care of your child's teeth and ensuring good oral hygiene practices can seem like a daunting task. However, teaching your child about good oral hygiene habits from a young age is essential. [...]

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5 Proven Ways to Put an End to Snoring for Good!

July 3, 2023|Comments Off on 5 Proven Ways to Put an End to Snoring for Good!

Snoring can be a real nuisance for both the snorer and their sleep partner. It can lead to sleep deprivation, fatigue, and even health issues such as high blood pressure. But luckily, there are several [...]

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Portable Sanitation Products Keeping You Safe at Events and Festivities

March 27, 2023|Comments Off on Portable Sanitation Products Keeping You Safe at Events and Festivities

When attending events or festivities, it is easy to forget the importance of having access to proper portable sanitation products. However, having access to portable sanitation products can be the difference between a safe and [...]

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Treating Your Body With Respect because It Deserves It

February 6, 2023|Comments Off on Treating Your Body With Respect because It Deserves It

If you want to live a long and happy life, then you need to respect yourself and your body. Treating your body with respect means you must create healthy habits and stick to them. It [...]

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Don’t Like Running? Try One of These 4 Fun Alternative Cardio Exercises!

October 31, 2022|Comments Off on Don’t Like Running? Try One of These 4 Fun Alternative Cardio Exercises!

Exercise is a vital part of our lives, and we would all benefit from making it a habit. Among many exercises, running is a great cardio activity with numerous benefits including boosting heart health and [...]

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Your All-In-One Guide to the Keto Diet

October 17, 2022|Comments Off on Your All-In-One Guide to the Keto Diet

If you're interested in weight loss, then you may have heard of the ketogenic dieting trend, also known as the "keto" diet. More than just a buzzword, the keto diet relies on the principle of [...]

  • benefits of Sauerkraut

Sweet From Sour: 5 Health Benefits Of Sauerkraut

August 3, 2022|Comments Off on Sweet From Sour: 5 Health Benefits Of Sauerkraut

Believed to have originated in China well over 2,000 years ago, sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage. It doesn't get the praise it deserves, even though it's a popular side dish in many countries around the [...]

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What’s the difference between total carbs and net carbs?

May 12, 2022|Comments Off on What’s the difference between total carbs and net carbs?

When discussing diet and nutrition, the word ‘carb’ brings about a negative connotation. Many people see it as a dirty word synonymous with eating too much starchy food. People often believe cutting carbs from their [...]

  • improve your diet

7 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Diet

February 3, 2022|Comments Off on 7 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Diet

Your lifestyle choices determine your health more than your genes will. What goes into your mouth is a massive contributor to your health status. You may need to change some of your feeding habits if [...]

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5 Healthy Breakfast Alternatives to Boost Metabolism

November 9, 2021|Comments Off on 5 Healthy Breakfast Alternatives to Boost Metabolism

Having a healthy breakfast in the morning is very important. Not only does it help you have energy and be more productive; it’s also good for your metabolism! Research shows that eating the right breakfast [...]