Every child can benefit from time spent outside. Though outdoor toys can be fun, they often seem to lose the interest of children sooner than you’d hoped. One great way to keep your children loving the outdoors, though, is to design a garden with them in mind. One component of a kid-friendly outdoor garden: a fun garden path! Fun garden path designs allows your children to explore to their hearts’ content.
Ideas for Garden Path Designs
To keep your children’s imagination alive, here are ideas for four designs for your children.
Hide Treasures Along the Way
Children are natural explorers. Therefore, when designing, give them something to explore. Hiding little items like:
- a single flower of a certain color
- a small fairy garden
can give your children endless hours of delight. By changing these hidden items out from time-to-time, your children will always feel like they’re on a real-life treasure hunt.
Help Guide the Way
To help make the path passable at all times: put down something your children can walk on in less than ideal weather. Natural stone tiles make a great option. They don’t interrupt the natural look of the garden, as well as help give your children something large and firm to walk on. Of course, other types of stone can be added in various locations to help enhance the beauty and variety of the path.
Have Some Dead Ends
A garden path doesn’t have to be merely functional. It doesn’t have to simply travel from one end of the garden to the other. Instead, the path can meander through the garden. Heck, it can even include some dead ends. These dead ends can make for some fun games of hide-and-go-seek or serve as an unofficial clubhouse for your child’s friends.
Add Some Whimsy
There’s something special about chintzy garden decor items. Whether it’s a:
- gnome
- pink flamingo
- some other type of garden ornament
these lovable objects can make your children laugh, as well as help them forget about the cares of the world. No space for any of these items on the path? Add whimsy in other ways with some lights over the path or have your children paint rocks and include them in the path.
Think Like a Child
As an adult, it may be difficult to imagine what types of items your child will enjoy on a garden path. Your children’s input is a key ingredient in the process. By gaining their insight, you’ll be better able to think like a child as you design a garden path they’ll keep in their memories for the rest of their lives.
About the Writer: Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan
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