One of the most important ways you can protect your kids: teaching your kids stranger danger. You also might want to read this with your children. This information is without a doubt worthy of your time.
5 strategies for teaching your kids stranger danger
Here are strategies you can use when teaching kids not to talk to strangers.
Explain 911 and Emergency Procedures
When your kids reach the age of four, they can learn how to call 911. They can understand other emergency procedures, too. Look into taking them to meet a 911 operator to better highlight what these emergency responders do. Allow them to see what 9-1-1 does to assist people in need. You also should introduce them to EMTs, firefighters, and police officers.
Most public safety officials will be glad to explain their work to children. They’ll work with your kids to explain various emergency protocols. Know for certain your children know how to use 911. But also make sure they understand who to reach out to and how when there’s no access to a phone.
Introduce Them to Other Emergency Contacts
Should children not be able to get in touch with emergency personnel, they need to know who else they can contact. Introduce your kids to those other people who can help them. Not just that, make sure you have their phone numbers on the children’s phones and in their backpacks. Numbers should also be in your home. Place them on the fridge or somewhere they can easily find needed contact information.
Other family members should be on the home’s emergency phone number list. If you’re a religious person, your spiritual leader(s) could be included. School teachers and family friends can be helpful for kids in emergency situations, too.
Explore Your Community and Point Out Landmarks
Should your children ever get lost or separated from those they’re supposed to be with, they have to feel as safe as possible in their surroundings. Some kids make the mistake of turning to a stranger, and you don’t want to run this risk with your children.
Schedule in time to be certain children know the ins and outs of their community. If an emergency situation develops, you want them to be able to identify key landmarks. This is extremely important if for some reason they don’t have a phone, or if their phone isn’t working.
Make Sure They’re Aware of the Dangers
Your family will better understand the seriousness of being prepared when they’re fully aware of the dangers. The human trafficking problem, for example, is still plaguing society. Children across the world are abducted, and your kids need to know that this does happen.
Let kids know, as much as it could hurt you, some horrible people do kidnap minors. You want kids to have a kind heart. However, they must understand the serious risks associated with interacting with strangers.
Role Play Meeting a Stranger
Work with your kids to practice for various “what if” situations. Gauge how they’d react based on various scenarios. Fill them in on what to do if someone they don’t know approaches them in those settings, or if they’re alone and need help.
Take this role-playing seriously. Ask your kids questions a stranger might propose to them and make sure they know the correct responses. You will also want to remind them of the dangers that can come with social media if they do have an iPad or phone and that talking with strangers online is dangerous.
Do not stop practicing this with them until they make no mistakes. In addition to what they should and should not say to strangers, use the role-play to go over all emergency procedures again. Make sure once more they know who else they can go to during an emergency. Also, how to reach emergency contacts should a phone not be nearby.
Put These Ideas into Motion
Put these ideas into motion today and better protect your children. You can equip them with the necessary know-how when it comes to dealing with strangers.
Teach them your emergency procedures and be certain your children are prepared for any type of situation. Do your part to make sure they don’t approach strangers. Make sure they know how to respond if a stranger approaches them.
About the Writer: Regina Thomas is a Southern California native who spends her time as a freelance writer and loves cooking at home when she can find the time. Regina loves reading, music, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie. She loves adventure and living every day to the fullest.