If you’ve never attended the New York Baby Show before, you’re missing out. Seriously outstanding number of brands show up to share their very best-of-the-best products to parents, and parents-to-be. Never assume if you don’t have a baby, you’ll have nothing to check out. Plenty of vendors had goodies for kids in the single digit time of life! Personally, I got overwhelmed quickly, as Pier 92 was FILLED to capacity with companies, and products, OH MY. Where’d I escape to? Well the #MomtrendsLounge for bloggers, of course.
Blogger Lounge featured Glamsquad at the New York Baby Show
Brands from all areas of having a baby were in attendance at the New York Baby Show. Representatives from the world of cord blood collecting, bath products, baby gear, food & drink, maternity and more were out in full force. The event was packed, and Pier 92 was hopping. There was an entire section of vendors devoted to just diapering products like Triple Paste and Hansel and Gretel Bags. The organizers of New York Baby Show think of EVERYTHING having to do with having a baby, from maternity and prenatal goodies, to clothing for kids into their single digit years of life.
It’s definitely the perfect event for parents-to-be, as well as brand new parents. The stroller area alone is worth a trip! You could check out how strollers felt, and could take a spin around a test drive track. I wish with all my heart I’d had the chance to test drive strollers prior to having my daughter. It would have been awesome, plus I could have tested out how easy it was to open, and close strollers, prior to purchasing one!
However, it was overwhelming. It’s a lot of information being thrown at parents, or soon to be parents, all at once. I quickly felt like I was ready to just fall over from over stimulation, but luckily there was the #MomtrendsLounge for us bloggers attending the show. PHEW! It was high above the show, so I could still see all the activity, but far enough away to be able to chat with the brands who pampered us in the lounge! We had lunch, plus some deserts. It was a beautiful oasis to get my head on straight, before I headed out of the event.
Mama got some Mabel’s Labels, because moms need labels, too.
Lunch was lovely, and the essentia water was perfect for my trip back to Penn Station after the show.
A little water for the long trip back to #longisland #newyorkbabyshow #nyc @momtrends the lounge was great! A photo posted by Staci (@novsunflower) on
However, before I left, I made sure to get glammed up with Glamsquad. You’ve seen me in photos (yes, there’s been a few of me lurking around here, and there.) Well, get ready to witness the magic of Glamsquads hair, and make-up sorcery. Seriously talented ladies worked on me, and I couldn’t have been more pleased. The ladies worked fast and furious, because I’m not one to sit still for very long. However, the make-up part is always the most difficult for me.
It’s no secret I rarely wear make-up, and when I’m getting make-up done, I am very tense. Glamsquad made me feel calm, and I didn’t flinch at all as she came at me with a eye lash curler, and then mascara! Talented, for sure. The end result blew me away. I still looked like me, but a more enhanced one. It’s like they threw a filter on me in “real life.” I felt pretty, which isn’t easy to make happen!
Momtrends always throws a great party of us ladies, and gents, who do this professional blogging thing. They didn’t disappoint bringing in the big guns for the #MomtrendsLounge – such a great idea to have this rest stop during the New York Baby Show. Here’s hoping we can do it again in 2016!