Everyone knows I’ve got a dirty mind, and there’s not much I can do to clean it up. We also know I’ve got a dirty mouth, with all my cussing. However, right here, right now, I’m talking about a different kind of dirty mouth.
Dirty Mouth? Oral Irrigator is the solution!
What you may not know about my mouth: my teeth are super close together. As a kid, I had straight teeth, all lined up super perfect. Adult teeth came in, no worries. No braces needed at all. What happened? Well, they continued to stay straight, but when those damn wisdom teeth arrived, in order to fit into my mouth, my teeth shifted. They got super snuggly with one another. So snug, I could barely get dental floss between them to help clean them out. TRAGIC.
Now, as luck would have it, I went through almost my entire life without any major issues. The wisdom teeth fit, and no cavities ever showed up. Awesome. Dad was happy not paying for anything but cleanings, while I was young enough to be on his insurance. Wasn’t he lucky? NO braces. Never a cavity. Wisdom teeth fit, no removal needed. He made out like a bandit with me.
Then adulthood hit
I got older. Married. Mr. Sunflower doesn’t have dental insurance, and BAM. The wisdom teeth that happily snuggled into my mouth all those years ago, well they decided to cause a few issues. First, cavities in them. WHAT? What’s worse? If I didn’t get them out, the teeth next to them would end up with cavities, because they were super close together and difficult to properly maintain.
Awesome. Luckily, I have a cousin who is an oral surgeon. People flock to him from all over the area, but also from other parts of the world. He gave me a good deal, and let me pay off the surgery over an EXTENDED PERIOD of time. His office staff was super great about accepting minuscule payments over a couple of years, so I could pay it all off. He removed all four wisdom teeth at once, because hell knows I wasn’t going back for more.
However, the damage was done. So what was the answer? A water pik, as I always called them. Apparently, water pik isn’t the right name for them. Rather, they’re oral irrigators. Who knew? I know I didn’t. I can tell you there’s a lot to choose from, and most of them don’t work all that well. It’s a struggle to find just the right one, but I think I finally found one that doesn’t take up a lot of room, and works like a charm. Allow me to introduce the one, the only, ToiletTree Rechargeable Professional Oral Irrigator!
Oral Irrigator for the win
First things first, don’t start it if it isn’t in your mouth. It will shoot water everywhere. I’m not saying I did this, or that it ended up all over my bathroom mirror, sink, counter and my dress. All I’m saying is, have it close to your mouth when you start up the oral irrigator. Got it? Okay, good.
Once you’ve got it close to your mouth, make sure you have it fairly close to your open mouth. Once again, I’m not telling you that my particular second try at using the oral irrigator was not successful. The experience may, or may not, have finished with water all over my mirror, sink, counter, and dress. All I can stress to you is this: have the irrigator facing your mouth, close to your mouth and OVER the sink so the water can drip back out.
Perhaps, by the third attempt at trying out the ToiletTree you’ll get the hang of it. It might require Mr. Sunflower showing you how to use it without it spraying all over the bathroom. I do rent him out for this process, if you need him. The key to using an oral irrigator is to keep the darn thing CLOSE TO YOUR MOUTH. I’d never used one before, and didn’t realize how much they do spray. Drenched me. However, I learned the proper way to use it. Thanks for the assist, Mr. Sunflower. Our bathroom mirror appreciates it.
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