One of my flaws in life? Fear of aging. Growing up, many people thought I was much younger than my actual age. Granted, it was a bit annoying when I was younger. NOW? I’m fighting tooth, and nail, to keep the aging process from walking across my face! It seems to be leaving fine lines, and wrinkles! I know I’m not the only one with a fear of the aging process. I also know I’m not the only one who isn’t fond of plastic surgery. It’s why I’m fighting the aging process with Conture Kinetic Skin Toning System. Well, I’m trying to, at least!
Fighting the aging process with Conture Kinetic Skin Toning System
Fighting the aging process isn’t just about fine lines, and wrinkles. It’s about healthy skin. Skin that glows. I can deal with most of the wrinkles that have slowly taken up residence on my face. Shocking to even see some of them, because if you ask some people around here, I rarely smile. I laugh, so perhaps that’s the culprit? In any event, what kills me? Looking into the mirror and seeing my skin look like it’s been through battle, and hasn’t survived. It’s dull, tired, and let’s face it, OLD. I’m too young to have dull, tired skin on my face. It’s not right.
Every day, I wash with my favorite oil cleanser, then moisturize with great lotion, which has my sunscreen in it. I never wear make-up, it’s just never been my thing. I take care of my skin. All of my skin, but my face I take extra special care of. You’d think it would reward me, right? Instead, my skin just falls flat.
Personal fight against the aging process
A few months ago, I had a procedure done at a nearby beauty spa. It helped, but it was a bit painful, and cost a lot of money. Plus, it took a long time to do the procedure. It wasn’t surgery, but it required a technician to work on me for a couple of hours.
Did I like how my face felt after the procedure, sure. Did I see a huge difference in my wrinkles? Not really, but I did notice my skin look a lot more radiant. It stayed like that for a while, but I had a bit of a rough start to 2016 with mom having a heart attack, along with a stroke, and it’s been rough on my health. Along with my skin. Taking care of myself wasn’t a priority. I was focusing on mom. Let’s just say, my skin paid the price, and I need to give it a little tender loving care, if you will. Enter Conture Kinetic Skin Toning System!
The system
I’ve just started using it. It’s a super lightweight, handheld contraption. The two treatment heads are easy to remove, too. Finding time in the morning, to use the toning system, can be difficult. I refuse to pressure myself to do first thing in the morning. I wash up, get the kids to school, do another little rinse of my face to make sure it’s clean, then apply the Kinetic lotion, and start the process. It takes a little bit of time, because I’m still new to the process.
Basically, you apply a Kinetic lotion to the area you’re treating with the Conture Kinetic Skin Toning System. You place the unit on your skin, it kind of sucks your skin into the little head, and pulses. Totally freaky feeling, and I love it. Let it pulse 3 to 5 times, then GLIDE it across the skin. My first couple of times, I picked the standard head up off of my face, and lost the suction. Took a few tries, but finally, I’m gliding like a pro. My focus areas: my forehead, cheeks, chin. When I tackle under my eyes, I use the mild setting. I’m also hitting up my neck, with the neck setting.
It’s time consuming
After a couple of weeks of using it, I’ve also started to use the focus treatment head between my eyebrows, around my mouth, and the little spots between my hairline and eyebrows. I’ll be using it for at least 8 weeks, before I share my full review. However, so far, the only issue I have? Finding the time to use it.
The worst part? When I forget to charge the Conture Kinetic Skin Toning System. However, I’m confident I’ll see better results as I get further into the treatments! My skin is looking a lot less dull these days. I got my first compliment at the store today, while exchanging my daughter’s sneakers for her dance recital.