
Fix your leaky roof without flooding your finances

If your roof is leaking, you have to fix it quickly. Failing to do so could result in secondary damage to the attic, interior walls and even the foundation. Struggling with deciding on if you should repair it, or replace it? Understandable. Such a home improvement project can cost a lot of money. So, how do you fix your leaky roof without flooding your finances?

Beautiful Home - Fix Your Leaky Roof

Fix your leaky roof

Here are some ways to fix this component without destroying your family’s financial situation.

You Can Try To Do the Work Yourself

It may be possible to do some light repair work yourself if you have the tools and experience to do so. However, don’t risk your health or safety just to save a few dollars. It also isn’t a good idea to do a roof repair on your own if you don’t know what you’re looking at. If you make a mistake, it can lead to spending more time and money fixing it later.

Ask About Financing Options

A contractor may offer financing options that will help you better manage the cost of the project. These options may allow you to pay over the course of 12 or 18 installments. In lieu of contractor financing, you could look into getting a credit card with a 0 percent interest rate. Of course, the best idea is to save money a little each month to make sure that you can cover home maintenance costs.

Base the Extent of the Job on the Age of the Roof

Let’s say that you just put a new roof on your home last year. Generally speaking, it should be good for another few years or decades. Assuming you can confine the leak to a certain area, it may be easier to repair the damaged portion as opposed to replacing the whole thing. However, if the roof is decades old, it may be best to call a roofing professional to have it replaced entirely. Replacing a roof is an expense most people don’t think about, but it’s cheaper than having a leak turn into mold and having to remodel your entire home to avoid a health hazard.

File an Insurance Claim

Your homeowners insurance might cover the repair work IF a storm caused it. Also, if a professional installed your current leaking roof, a warranty may cover the damage. If so, you may end up paying nothing!

The roof is one of the most important components of a home. Therefore, it is important to have it inspected regularly for damage. If there are any problems with it, be sure to have them fixed as soon as possible to limit the scope of the job.

Author bio: Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from Utah. She enjoys Tennis and spending time with her family. 

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