Sport is for everyone. Of course, we enjoy watching elite athletes at the top of their game competing for the world’s biggest prizes. It’s great entertainment. When it comes to doing sport, everyone can compete. And events such as the Special Olympics have shown us that sport really is inclusive. No matter a child’s ability or disability, there are sports for children with special needs.
The benefits
There are almost too many to list when it comes to the benefits of playing sport. From the health aspect, to the social side of things, it truly is one of the best activities you can get your child into. Sport can teach teamwork, or self-discipline. For small children, it teaches the importance of accepting how to win and, even more importantly, how to lose. And above all, it’s fun.
The best sports for children with special needs
The nature of special needs is that no two children’s disabilities are the same. When it comes to finding the perfect sport for your child, it really is about trial and error. Most kids, no matter what their physical and mental capabilities, will turn their hand to a whole host of sports before they settle on the one they truly enjoy.
Yet of course, some sports are more accessible than others. Swimming is a particularly inclusive sport which is great for the whole body, as well as the mind. In the water, some disabilities become negligible as the feeling of weightlessness takes over. It’s a great activity to get your children into no matter what their age. Organized swimming lessons, and even water-based sports such as water polo, are great options.
It’s a popular sport among those in wheelchairs. It’s a great sport for learning teamwork and camaraderie, and again it is a sport which is easily accessible for most people, without limiting costs.
Although not quite as accessible as basketball and swimming in terms of facilities, tennis is another popular wheelchair competitive sport.
Horseback riding
There are multiple benefits to working with animals for children who suffer from a whole host of cognitive and behavioral disabilities. Horse-riding is a particular favorite when it comes to sports children with special needs can participate in. There may be slightly more cost attached, but then there are a number of charitable organizations which facilitate such activities, so that’s always something worth digging into in terms of the area where you live.
Adaptive Sports
When it comes to disabilities, there are also adaptive sports, which are variations, or amalgamations of commonly played sports. Alternatively, adaptive sports place participants into categories with people who may possess similar disabilities.
These are just some of the sports on offer, but really there are no limits. Never assume a sport is out of reach! The world is finally becoming more equal in terms of opportunities for children with special needs, which is so positive to see.
How to discover the sports that are available
When it comes to finding out about the sports that are available for children with disabilities in your area, there really is no better first port of call than speaking with other parents. Past that, internet searches will bring up a whole host of options, and its really worth heading on down for a couple of trial sessions just to see if it is something that your child will take to. That’s the same for every child.
Be sure to check the qualifications of the instructors. Certain disabilities need certain levels of expertise and experience, and that’s always something to lookout for in a program.
What’s out there in terms of programs?
This is just a taste of what is out there, and is by no means comprehensive. As previously stated, word-of-mouth can be the very best option, particularly if you are friends with other parents who have children with special needs.
Author Bio: Professional writer, educational expert Beatrix Potter can be found contributing her insights at Essay Services, where she has established her reputation.