They say home is where the heart is and they aren’t wrong. But now more than ever before, home is also where work is. In fact, nearly 26 million Americans currently call home their workspace, and that number is likely to continue to grow as technology makes working remotely easier.
Many people believe this trend offers employees a better way to showcase their creativity. And simple home improvements for remote workers unleashes productivity, too. Think about it. People generally feel more comfortable in their homes, right? They can wear whatever they want, sit wherever they want, and eat endless snacks without judgement. This less stressful environment can really improve productivity and overall happiness.
Working from home full-time does tend to call for a space where you can actually go to focus on work, though. Hence the rise of the home office — a separate area where:
- there are no kids
- few distractions
- plenty of space for your “organized” work mess
Home Improvements for Remote Workers
If you’re working from home regularly, here are some tips and tricks to make your home office truly awesome.
Creating a Home Office
Home offices are all the rage and homes. There are a lot of cool ways to design home offices to boost productivity, too. The trick is finding something that works well for your personal style. In general, you are going to want a home office space that:
- is quiet and slightly separated from the main part of the house
- is large enough for you to work comfortably
- has a little bit of storage or shelving for documents and other work-related items
- has natural lighting
- provides enough room for clients to sit comfortably if they need to see you face-to-face
- allows for personalization
Not everyone has a large enough home to use a whole room and dedicate it as a home office, but there are certainly ways to work around that. For example, setting up a desk in the living room works well if you’re able to capitalize on it as a workspace when the rest of the family isn’t hanging out there. Some minimalists like to use the dining room table and nothing else.
Ultimately, it all depends on what you prefer. The key: productivity. This can mean all you really need is a solid internet connection. Or, it means you need a personal work paradise designed specifically for your personality and work style.
Making Home the Place to Be
If you’re home all day for work and aren’t really getting out of the house a whole lot, chances are, the idea of being home makes your heart happy. That could lead you down a rabbit hole into a bunch of other home improvement projects that will really bring out what you love about home and perhaps make you never want to leave. You may start small, but home improvement projects can be a great way to focus your creative energy and improve the value of your home overall.
The first step to this whole process, though, is financing it. There are a number of ways to do this, such as using your home’s equity for projects or taking out a personal loan for home improvement projects. Both have their pluses and minuses; for instance, personal loans may have a higher interest rate.
Once you commit to make it happen though, think like a new homeowner and be thorough. Chances are you won’t be fixing that particular part of your home again anytime soon. Pick out colors you won’t be sick of after a few months and practical flooring that will work for everyone.
Decorating for Productivity
Decorating choices can make or break the vibe of any space, especially one you’ll be spending a lot of time in like your home office. In today’s modern home office design, the majority of people are going with somewhat neutral colors and hardwood flooring. The general style seems somewhat divided between chic, contemporary and comforting, traditional office designs.
Some of the latest trends in home office design are pretty fancy overall but could be scaled down. Built-in bookshelves and drawers for storage are attainable in just about any home office. Limited decoration and simple angles can also work nicely and give a more professional look on a bit of a budget.
Millions of Americans are making the home office work for them. If you’re one of them or thinking of becoming one of them, it’s worthwhile to invest in an office space that makes you comfortable and boosts your creative juices and productivity levels. Decorate for your budget but also for the image you want to present and for the functionality you need. Good luck!
Author Bio: Brooke Faulkner is a writer and mom in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. You can check out more of her writing on twitter, @faulknercreek