Many factors play into college success. As a student, you must be willing to exert consistent effort over an extended amount of years. Usually, colleges like to evaluate a student based on a GPA scale, along with the number of completed credits. Countless tips can be given to help a college student succeed in school. However, all one can do: hope these tips contribute to his or her success.
Help your College Student Succeed in School with these 3 suggestions
Among the most critical of those tips is the importance of sleep, note-taking, study groups, organization, and stress management.
College kids often overlook the obvious: sleep! Many students are willing to underestimate the effectiveness of sleep. The difference it can make on daily class lectures and exams is highly significant in terms of overall performance. Before commencing class the following day, a college kid requires about eight hours of sleep to maintain a high capacity for productivity.
Sleep is especially important the night before a test. After days of studying, your brain needs time, as well as rest, to retain all the information. Once the test begins you’ll be able to apply the knowledge you have obtained for a passing grade. A lack of sleep may cost you the one or two points needed to convert your grade from a B to an A.
Taking Notes & Study Groups
When taking notes it is a good idea to handwrite them rather than typing them on a computer. Faculty members from the University of California and Princeton University have conducted a joint study to show how information is better retained with a pen and paper. Likewise, it’s beneficial to rewrite your notes after class as a means to prompt your brain to store the information as long-term memory. Recording your lectures and using academic transcribing services is a clever way to fill any gaps you may have missed in your notes. Furthermore, another effective strategy is to find a partner or a group of peers to study with.
Not only is it socially engaging, but also a method of proactive learning. Peers can quiz one another on class material and help solve dilemmas whenever a question arises. If you and your peers are unable to solve any problems related to the class material, then meet with the professor for clarification. You’ll soon notice a gradual increase in the efficiency of your study sessions due to the advantage of having more than one mind present with you. The more students involved, the likelier you’ll find students who understand different pieces of the material!
Organization & Stress Management
Organization is another key tip to consider during your academic career. Before college, you may have been a bit lackadaisical when it came to knowing when a particular assignment should have been submitted. However, in college, there are numerous deadlines. You must meet deadlines, or you fail. You must plan out your daily study sessions thoroughly and dedicate an appropriate time to relieve stress.
Similar to sleep, stress should be managed properly. There are many ways to relieve stress like exercising and socializing. The consequences of stress may not only affect your performance in school but it may also impact many other aspects of life including:
- your relationships
- work-life
- mental health
Final Words of Advice
All in all, if your college kid commits to:
- getting ample sleep
- writing down diligent notes
- studying with one or more peers
- staying organized
- finding ways to manage stress
He or she will be a successful college student. Additionally, there are plenty of resources on the web to facilitate a college student’s education and ease the burden of having to do so much work in so little time.
About the Writer: Samantha Higgins is a professional writer with a passion for research, observation, and innovation. She is nurturing a growing family of twin boys in Portland, Oregon with her husband. She loves kayaking and reading creative non-fiction.