Your backyard may be small, large, fenced, unfenced, landscaped or barren. No matter what condition it is in, you can use it to save money. That’s right, you can save money when you employ several gardening, landscaping and entertaining techniques in your backyard. Find out how these three simple areas are like money in the bank for any property.
Did you know your own backyard could be a money-saving resource?
Gardening is a great way for anyone to save money. Instead of buying expensive produce at the grocery store, grow your own organic vegetables, fruits and nuts. Plant a variety of vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, sweet corn and herbs in a garden plot or amongst your trees, shrubs and flowers. If your backyard includes limited space, utilize containers on your patio, deck or indoor windowsills. Grow tasty, affordable produce when you cultivate a backyard garden.
In addition to saving money on grocery bills, gardening potentially decreases your medical bills. Most gardeners report a reduction in stress when they play in the dirt. The natural sunshine and hard work creates a sense of pride and boosts endorphins that make you feel good. If you really don’t want to plant an entire vegetable garden, at least cultivate a few flowers and save money on doctors’ bills.
To start your garden, you will need more than soil and sun. Every gardener needs tools. Attractive sheds allow you to protect, organize and store your shovel, rake, seeds, mulch and wheelbarrow indoors all year. This protective building can be compact or large enough to accommodate your family’s sports equipment, patio furniture and seasonal household items. If you do purchase a large storage building, consider transforming it into an outdoor office for greater productivity and income potential if you work from home.
In addition to gardening, plant native trees, shrubs and flowers around your home. These plants cut maintenance costs, add resale value to your home and protect your house’s foundation. You might question the financial cost of landscaping during dry summer months when water costs rise and drought conditions inhibit excess water usage. Install a decorative and functional rain barrel to decrease your water bill and bring life to your plants and garden.
Along with the rain barrel, install permeable pavers to prevent erosion and manage water runoff. These stones filter water through the soil and ensure that your lawn and garden receive adequate water while remaining healthy and vibrant year round.
Your garden and landscaping set the stage for an attractive and inviting backyard entertainment area. Add furniture, lighting and a few aesthetic touches to finish the look and increase the financial savings you gain from your backyard investment.
On your patio or deck, place affordable furniture from a secondhand store or repurpose household furniture for outdoor use. With your bargain furniture, you can host brunches and dinners at home instead of spending money on expensive restaurant meals. Pick fresh produce and burger toppings from your garden for a truly organic experience when you entertain family and friends in your backyard.
Create dimension and depth to your outdoor space when you add a few well-placed decorations. During post-season sales, buy discounted lighting fixtures, water fountains or a relaxing hammock. Hang bird feeders or plant butterfly bushes to enhance your backyard space. With these affordable additions, you create a relaxing backyard oasis where you can relax, unwind and de-stress every day.
Your backyard is more than grass to mow or a barren eyesore. Enjoy colorful blooms, comfortable seating and creative savings when you employ gardening, landscaping and entertaining techniques that comprise your money-saving backyard oasis.
Author bio: Holly is a full-time student working as a TA as she studies to get her doctorate in literature. She loves to write and blogs on behalf of Sears and other brands she uses frequently. When she isn’t writing or studying, she’s making waffles and drawing flowers all over her notebooks.
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