What’s my all-time favorite show on television RIGHT NOW. It was Fringe, but that’s now off the air (still not use to my Friday nights without my dear Walter.) What show do I NEVER miss? That’s right, White Collar. Matt Bomer, and the ever fabulous Tiffani Thiessen – how can you go wrong with all that dark hair, and blue-eyed action going on?!!!!
Well, not only is Tiffani one of my favorite chicks to watch on TV, ever since Saved by the Bell, and even her stint on 90210, but she’s also just as big of an animal lover as I am! SWEET. She’s joined forces with Sergeant’s Pet Care, and has become an animal advocate. It’s fantastic, and guess what? Amazingly, I’ll be participating in another Twitter Party. Can you handle it? I know, it’s bizarre for a Twitter avoider like myself to be hanging at yet another Twitter party!
How could I say no? It’s Tiffani, and pets. NO BRAINER.
As a pet owner, which I have been my entire life, and no, you won’t be finding out how long that has been any time soon, I’m a big supporter of making sure all pets are healthy. Lots of people own pets, but they aren’t always sure of how to keep them healthy. Sergeant’s Pet Care Products is joining with Tiffani Thiessen to emBARK on Pet Health. What’s this mean? Glad you asked!
emBARK on Pet Health is all about educating and empowering all of us pet owners, especially in February, Responsible Pet Owners month! It’s asking all of us to take a pledge to become more mindful of the needs of our pets. When you pledge, a donation of a Sergeant’s Pet Health Kit will be sent out to a local shelter. They’ve committed to donating 5,000 kits. You will also receive a coupon for $3.00 off a Sergeant’s Pet Care purchase! Nice.
My dog, a Pug, is turning 14 in May. He acts like a puppy, and other than his eyes getting those crazy cataracts, the fact that I feed him a healthy diet, keep him pretty active, and bring him for an annual physical, makes me believe he still thinks he’s a puppy, even if his eyes say otherwise. Sergeant’s dedication to helping all dogs, including those in shelters, warms my heart, and makes me that much quicker to get on board when they want to host a Twitter party, and have people like me participate!
I’d love for you guys to join the festivities next week! It’s all happening on February 20th, at 7PM at night. WOOOHOOOO.
Here’s all the details……..
What: Whether you’re a new or seasoned pet owner, join us to learn ways to help your pet avoid fleas, ticks, dental problems, obesity and more! We’ll be sharing the best ways to care for your pets to keep them in good health and prevent problems in the future.
Leading pet care product company Sergeant’s is teaming up with actress and animal advocate Tiffani Thiessen (@TAThiessen) to emBARK on Pet Health this month. The program asks people to take an online pledge committing to attend and care for their pets. For every pledge, Sergeant’s will send a pet health kit to participating shelters with the help of the American Humane Association (AHA). These kits will go home with newly adopted pets from AHA shelters nationwide to ensure their health care regimen is off to a great start. Additionally, each person who takes the pledge will receive a coupon for $3.00 off their next Sergeant’s or Sentry purchase to help keep their own pet care plan on track.
CLICK HERE TO PLEDGE: http://www.embarkonpethealth.com/
When: Wednesday, February 20, 7 p.m. ET (the party will last one hour)
Where: We’ll be on Twitter – follow the #SergeantsPet hashtag to track the conversation. You can see the details and RSVP via this Twtvite: http://bitly/Z65X0q
Hashtag: #SergeantsPet
Prizes: We’ll award five prizes throughout the party. The first four prizes include a pet health kit and emBARK on Pet Health t-shirts. The grand prize will contain those items plus a $50 gift card to Petsmart. (Each pet health kit contains the following: Sergeant’s® Fur-So-Fresh® Whiff® Dog Shampoo, Pur Luv® Sizzlin Strips™, SENTRY® Petrodex® Dental Kit, SENTRY® Calming Collar for dogs, Sergeant’s® Vetscription® Joint-Eze Plus® and coupons for Flea and Tick products.)
Hosts: @theMotherhood, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann, @SergeantsPet, @TAThiessen
TweetGrid for the party: http://bit.ly/XA8gCa
All of us co-hosting:
Cate, Sweetnicks – @CateOMalley
Clarissa, The Posh Parent – @theposhparent
Courtney, Courtney’s Sweets – @CourtneysSweets
Judy, Traveling Mom – @travelingmoms
Kimberly, She Scribes – @She_Scribes
Lea Ann, Mommy’s Wish List – @mommyswishlist
Lisa, As They Grow Up – @astheygrowup
Nicole, Nicole’s Nickels – @NicolesNickels
Shell, Not Quite Susie Homemaker – @NotQuiteSusie
Staci, November Sunflower – @novsunflower