This post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare.
When I get a cold, it always ends up causing me unbelievable pain in my sinuses. Pressure builds up, everything backs up, and the next thing I know I’ve got a burning feeling every time I breathe through my nose. The pain goes all the way around my eyes, and just kills me. I can’t think, let alone speak. I just want to crawl into bed, and try to sleep, but it hurts. Plus, if I don’t work, I don’t make money! So, there’s no going back to bed.
Treat your worst symptoms during cold season with Advil® Cold & Sinus
Raise your hands high if no one cares when you’re sick. Yeah, in my world, clients could care less if I’m not feeling well. They want the work done, and done now. Kids? Mine are pretty good. When I’m not feeling well, they are now at ages where they can do stuff on their own. Mr. Sunflower takes care of himself. Now, as for the house itself? Laundry? Yeah, that’s not getting done if I’m not up, and running.
How do I keep from falling apart? I pop my Advil® Cold & Sinus. It is the number one selling pain reliever combined with a powerful decongestant. Gives me relief from the sinus pressure, and the pain that travels through my sinuses. So yeah, Mama’s going to pop those bad boys and get right back to work. Clients depend on me, the house needs to be cleaned, and laundry needs to be done. It’s a vicious cycle, but it’s got to be done!
I’m a huge fan, because it’s one of the only ones that works quickly and doesn’t make me fall asleep with my head on my keyboard. I keep an eye out on their Facebook page, they share information on there for not just cold and flu season, but also for allergy season, too!
Giveaway for my loyal readers!
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