No matter if you have an important meeting with your business partners, or you just want to look fabulous for yourself, it’s important to feel beautiful in your own skin. Sometimes it’s difficult to achieve a feeling of beauty, especially when you don’t have time for a fifteen-step skin care regime. Don’t worry! There’s simple ways to wake up with a gorgeous face every day.
How to wake up with a gorgeous face every day
Here are five useful tips to achieve your stunning face, without stripping you of all your time in the mornings, or evenings!
Coconut Oil to the Rescue
Everyone on the internet has gone crazy over coconut oil, and for good reasons! Did you know it has antibacterial properties? It does! Slather it on your face, ladies and gents, it’s only going to help! What’s more, it’s a fabulous moisturizer. It penetrates into your skin much deeper than regular creams, and lotions. It’ll soothe your dry skin, and make it glow again. You can even use it as a highlighter on your cheekbones. Coconut oil is versatile, and multi-purpose.
A Good Night’s Sleep Saves the Day
A good night’s sleep will definitely save your day, and make a more patient person. However, did you also know it helps your beauty routine? Sleep helps get rid of dark circles, as well as puffiness, under your eyes. Sleep deprived? It increases your stress levels, and inevitably leads to premature aging. Nobody’s got time for that! It’s also important to know that sleeping on your stomach is bad for the skin, since the weight of your head will put a lot of pressure on your face every night, resulting in new wrinkles. Back sleeping is best for your face, you heard it here, folks.
DIY All-Natural Facial Cleansers
Regular beauty products often contain potentially hazardous chemicals. For this reason, you should try to make facial cleansers, and other self care products, all by yourself. Plain yogurt is one of the most amazing natural cleansers out there. It will detoxify your skin, clean it, and make it smooth. Mix one tablespoon of yogurt, with one teaspoon of lemon juice, apply it to your skin, then let it sit for a minute, or two. Wash off the concoction with lukewarm water, and pat your face dry.
Beauty Treatments for Fabulous Skin
Beauty treatments are no longer a taboo subject. There are many non-invasive procedures nowadays, which take no more than 30 minutes, and show immediate results. Some of these are chemical peels, injections of Botox, as well as highly beneficial dermal fillers that are loved by ladies all over the globe. These will give your skin a rejuvenated, and radiant, look for just a fraction of traditional facelift cost. Even more appealing? Results can last up to one year! These treatments pose a fantastic opportunity for women who would like to get rid of wrinkles, along with fine lines, without having to undergo surgical procedures.
Face Yoga, Hit or Myth?
You all know what regular yoga is, but have you heard about face yoga yet? It’s another non-invasive alternative to Botox, and surgery. Proven to help banish wrinkles, and help with sagging skin. Such a “workout” stimulates the production of collagen in your skin. Collagen improves skin’s elasticity, and gives the skin a smooth, and rejuvenated look. Some experts recommend face yoga exercises for 20 minutes, six times a week. If that is your cup of tea, give it a try!
Waking up with a gorgeous face every day doesn’t have to be a difficult task, especially if you keep the above tips in mind. If you incorporate these into your regular skincare, and everyday routines, you will see a magical improvement soon enough. Be persistent, and don’t quit! The effort will definitely pay off.
Author bio: Elise is a passionate writer, extreme sports fan and health and fitness enthusiast.