24 03, 2011

Frugal Style: Weekend Family Vacation

By | 2023-12-26T16:47:59-05:00 March 24, 2011|Travel|Comments Off on Frugal Style: Weekend Family Vacation

Once I had kids, most of my traveling ceased so I fell off on knowing what was out there. However, when looking for some deals for a few gifts, I stumbled across an interesting Eversave "save", (Eversave isn't around anymore). It was a deeply discounted vacation package. WHAT?! Yep. So, I decided to plan something [...]

9 03, 2011

Florida’s Natural OJ uses Florida grown oranges

By | 2018-01-17T16:31:04-05:00 March 9, 2011|Food, Reviews|Comments Off on Florida’s Natural OJ uses Florida grown oranges

Did you know Tropicana and Simply Orange sometimes import their juice? Meanwhile, Florida growers own Florida's Natural & only use florida grown oranges.