Don’t just wait to do Spring gardening! Garden all year with Back to the Roots. I’m serious, my friends. If you want fresh herbs, you’re going to want to get Back to the Roots Garden-In-A-Can! But don’t stop there, because there’s even a way to have fresh mushrooms, too!
Garden all year with Back to the Roots
Normal people are okay with summer veggie gardens. However, now that I’ve been cooking a bit more, I have found I much prefer fresh herbs, and ingredients. It’s hard to have a full-blown veggie garden all year long in New York, but I can work on a fresh herbs! Since I stink at keeping plants alive, the easier it is the better. Enter Back to Roots Garden-In-A-Can, Water Garden and my personal favorite, the Mushroom Farm.
Little Miss helped pop the cans opens, and start our home garden. She’s ready to garden all year, and excited to use the fresh goodies in our cooking!
Our little garden is hanging out in the sun for now, and we’re checking each day to see when it starts to sprout. Right now we’re starting with two Garden-In-A-Can herbs, and soon, we hope to start up with the mushroom farm. Little Miss is itching to get a video when we start that process, too! I’ve a regular green thumbed girl over here.
Soon, we hope to get our hands on the Water Garden. Perhaps after we’ve tested out the rest of the products, we’ll venture into the water garden gardening.
Do you love to garden? Would you ever consider starting a Back to Roots Garden-In-A-Can in your home? What would you start with first? Comment below (and don’t get nervous when it doesn’t show up immediately, I review all of them before they post.)