Time moves fast, and before you know it, we begin enjoying the summer break outdoors every year. It is more advantageous to begin gardening jobs early enough so you can avoid having to spend long hours making preparations in your garden during the summer holidays.
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer: Make Use of the Right Materials
Early preparations will help you make sure the summer heat doesn’t destroy your garden, and will instead give it an excellent outdoor entertainment look. Below are some gardening jobs that you can consider doing when getting your garden ready for summer.
Tidy up Your Garden
Try giving your garden a tidy look, and the perfect time for this activity would be towards the end of spring. To start with, consider getting on top of the weeding process. Usually, as summer approaches, weeds grow rapidly, and unless the seeds are under control, they tend to spread. Weeds can harm your garden since they will compete with your other plants for nutrients and sunlight.
Also, this is the right time to get rid of all the spent flowers. To relieve your plants some stress, consider pruning in the warmer months. Ensure you give your beds an excellent general clean-up by tidying all dead foliage.
Boost the Gardens Nutrients
Applying fertilizer to your garden will result in robust growth because the plants will feed on the fertilizer and collect minerals before the summer begins.
Ensure you apply fertilizer before the mulching to help retain nutrients. You may use a slow-release fertilizer that gradually releases nutrients throughout the year. Take extra care when fertilizing as applying fertilizer in excess can easily kill your plants.
One way to protect your plants during the summer is by laying down mulch in your garden. You can choose your mulch from sugar cane, pea straw, or bark chips. Mulch will keep the soil moist and inhibit weed growth.
Use Gravel
Another way to save your plants as the heat sets in is by having a gravel garden. With gravel, you are able to ensure that heat is unable to harm your garden. Make certain that you use the right gravel type, as this will help you with easy garden maintenance.
It would be best to use 12 to 20mm sized gravel to prevent them from getting lodged in between your shoe treads and getting scattered around your compound. You may be able to get your gravel from a local stone gravel supplier within your area. Additionally, the correct gravel size provides you with a comfortable walking surface compared to larger rocks. Be sure to consider your garden’s appearance when determining what color, shape, and size your gravel should be.
Water Early
Make sure that you water your plants during the early morning hours. Early watering ensures that water soaks in before the day’s heat sets in. If your garden does not have an automated watering system, consider installing one soon before the summer.
By making use of the following tips, your garden will be able to thrive as the weather begins to heat up this summer. Having a beautiful garden in your backyard may encourage your family to get the physical activity they need to stay healthy. Knowing what materials your property needs will help you make all of the necessary preparations.
About the Writer: Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan
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