
Honest Tea is more than just tea

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.

We’re going to be super honest here, and let all of you know, I’m not a big hot tea drinker. Iced Tea has to have some kind of great flavors in it, so it masks the taste of the tea, in order for me to drink it. Now, for me to really enjoy an iced tea, it has to basically give just a subtle hint of tea flavor, and mostly taste like the fruits listed on the name of the tea. Now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s just ask if you knew Honest Tea is more than just tea? It has soda, now, too. Say what? Say YES. Let’s get to know Honest Tea.

Honest Tea is more than just tea

Honest Tea is more than just tea

Before I was sent Honest Tea’s Honest Fizz Organic Soda, I had no idea they did more than just tea. Their name is misleading. Thankfully, a pleasant surprise arrived at my home. Organic soda. Yes, ORGANIC soda, not just regular soda.

Honest Fizz Organic Soda #organicsoda #honestfizz #honesttea #review

I haven’t been a huge soda drinker the past few years, mostly because of the horrible things normal sodas can do to your body. I also shy away from carbonated beverages whenever possible. However, I grew up with it, and sometimes I just want to sit down with my burger, or my slice of pizza, and drink a damn soda. I’m already removing the bun from my bread, because it has too many sugars in it (thanks white bread products). My pizza has a super thin crust, because again, the white flour isn’t good for you anymore. Let me have a soda with it, for goodness sakes!

Unfortunately, when I drink regular soda, I get sick. I feel like garbage, my head doesn’t feel right, and my stomach can no longer handle the chemicals and sweeteners. Honest Fizz Organic Soda doesn’t cause as much damage to my body. Again, I try to stay away from carbonated if I can, but if I’m going to drink something with carbon in it, I might as well try to keep it as healthy as possible.

Organically sweetened Honest Fizz

Honest Fizz doesn’t have artificial ingredients in it. Organic stevia leaf extract and organic Erythritol sweetens the soda, and has no calories. Is it the best thing to drink? Water is the best thing all humans can drink, but if you’ve got a hankering for the fizzy goodness of soda, give the organic one a shot. Does it taste exactly like the sodas you grew up with? No! It doesn’t. Why? Well, it’s because it doesn’t have thousands of chemicals in it. Or high fructose corn syrup.

Honest Tea Organic Tea

Honest Tea comes in two different bottle types: plastic and glass. The strange part about the different bottle types is the offerings aren’t the same in both glass, and plastic. Odd, but fine. Nothing I can’t get past.

The Half Tea and Half Lemonade flavor, in the plastic bottle, was decent. I wasn’t mad at it. My favorite one I tasted: Orange Mango Flavored Herbal Tea. It had a slight flavor of tea, and I tasted mostly Mango. I’m hoping to try out the Peach Tea, and the Pomegranata Blue Flavored Herbal Tea. I’d probably enjoy the Cranberry Lemon Flavored Herbal Tea. All the other ones taste too much like tea, so if you love tea, you’ll probably love all the flavors that taste strongly of tea.

Now, the glass bottle flavors…. I wasn’t as lucky on those. The only one I enjoyed: Black Forest Berry Herbal Tea. I plan on tasting Mango White Tea, along with Lori’s Lemon Tea, and the Pomegranate Red Herbal Tea. The Boy liked the Cinnamon Sunrise Herbal Tea, and my husband enjoyed the Classic Green Tea, along with the Ginger Oasis Herbal Tea.

Normally, I’m a huge ginger lover. Ginger Oasis really has an overpowering tea flavor, which makes sense, as it is a tea beverage. My husband, the tea drinker in our family, enjoyed every tea flavor, except the Cinnamon Sunrise Herbal Tea. TOO MUCH cinnamon for him, but just the right amount for The Boy. Go figure.

At the end of the day, I’ll try more flavors, see if there’s a couple more I enjoy. The more fruit flavor the better, so fingers crossed! The Organic Soda, when I’m in a pinch and have the urge for soda, I’ll be happy to sip on a can of Honest Fizz. Orange was good, and crazy enough, Ginger Ale ended up being my favorite.

By | 2018-04-05T18:32:11-04:00 November 16, 2015|Food & Drink, Reviews|Comments Off on Honest Tea is more than just tea

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!