
Hydrating the kids this summer with healthier Vita Coco Kids Drinks

Disclaimer: I participated in this sponsored campaign for One2One Network. I received monetary compensation (because yes, we all need to pay bills) and product to facilitate my post, but as well all know by now, ALL opinions are that of my children, and meeeeeeeeee! (Pardon my poor grammar.)

Vita Coco Logo

Summers on Long Island can be a bit hot. Okay, unreal humid, and hot. It can be overwhelming when you’ve got two kids, and just one mom! Our summers are filled with memory making activities, and I’d have to say 90 percent of them are activities that take place……WAIT FOR IT…….outside in the heat!

Little Miss has tennis, she’s got jiu jitsu, and both have swim lessons. In between all of that, we’re hitting the park, going to play dates, doing our best to hit the beaches in our area, spending afternoons in New York City, and just jamming in as much fun as we can, since it’s SUMMER VACATION!!! Plus, this year, we’re not going anywhere for longer than a day, or overnight. Boring, I know, but after last summer……if you’ve been reading me for a while, you know about last July’s debacle of a trip!

Our Summer of 2013 is a little more low-key! However, kids are always begging to play outside. Just like every other “good mom” out there, I’ve always got to slather them with tons of sunblock, and make sure we’ve got enough water to stay hydrated. If your kids are like my kids, the water only gets them so far. They tear it up on the tennis court, the playground, and the beach. Simple water isn’t going to cut the mustard every single time, especially on those days where you just have to walk out your front door and the sweat starts dripping.

However, we don’t do sports drinks in this house, and my kids weren’t loving Coconut water on the whole. Luckily, we’ve been introduced to Vita Coco Kids.

Vita Coco Packages

Since it’s only 35 calories, and has just 8 grams of sugar per 6 oz., my thought was “give it a try, see if they enjoy it.” Heck, it’s coconut water so it’s filled with electrolytes! (Didn’t you see Knight and Day with Tom Cruise? You’d know it from when they were on the beach…..just sayin’.)

Vita Coco Kids

My daughter jumped at the chance to try out Very Cherry Beach, while The Boy chose to try out Paradise Punch, which left me with Apple Island.

Sipping on Vita Coco Juice

We’ve got winners! Wahooo!!!!!!!! A few minutes later, I found Little Miss had stolen her brother’s and mine, and was enjoying all three…..she’s a nut.

Vita Coco Kids Juices

Now, the paks are great. I like them, I mean, the tetra pak has eco- and socially-responsible form of packaging….it’s made out of wood fiber, which is a sustainable source. Just icing on the cake, if you ask me! Unfortunately, when we’re on the go, we need to have the juice in something that’ll keep it super cold, so we just open it up, squirt it into our water bottles (metal of course.) It works well with Little Miss at her tennis lessons!

Although, the tennis coach has had to take it away from her, since she’s rather fond of the flavors……….but he’s thinking about getting them for his kids at his local Target, so SCORE for Vita Coco Kids!

When it comes to kids, and what they should, and shouldn’t drink, it’s really a parent who has to make the ultimate decision. I strongly encourage researching the drinks at VitaCocoKids.com! I share my opinions on all kinds of things, and when it comes to health related topics, I’m always the first to suggest doing the research on the major down and dirty details, don’t ever rely on anyone else when it comes to your child’s health!

By | 2016-08-30T16:31:53-04:00 July 15, 2013|Food & Drink, Reviews|Comments Off on Hydrating the kids this summer with healthier Vita Coco Kids Drinks

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!