I’m throwing myself into life, power and really embracing laws of attraction. It’s all about a quote that inspires me. I am not afraid. I was born to do this. Good, right????
I am not afraid. I was born to do this.
My favorite quote “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” Everyone’s heard this quote at some point in life. Recently I became intrigued as to when Joan of Arc uttered these words. The quote is legendary. It’s impressive! Now it’s on jewelry, and various other items. I went trolling through the internet and stumbled across a website, Maid of Heaven. It has all of Joan of Arc’s quotes, along with quotes about Joan of Arc. I went through each quote, amazing stuff in there (and I’m not what you would call religious). I came to the quote I believe is “the quote” that morphed into my favorite quote:
Clear the route
I adore the history behind the quote, as well as how it morphed into my favorite quote of all time. Again, I’m not religious. However, I believe my friends and family who have passed over are always with me; giving me the knowledge of how to “clear the route that leads” to where I need to go!
When I started:
- to write my book
- my business
- to choose being a MOTHER first, business owner second
I always chanted “I am NOT afraid. I was BORN to do this,” in my mind.
The book
After chatting with TWO Medium friends, I decided to write my first book. They had no clue I had wanted to write this book, just three people other than me knew about this book. Both insisted: you’re meant to finish this book. Just do it, each of them said. Everyone rolled their eyes, said “Good Luck” when hearing I wrote and published my book. Yep. So much support, right?
My retort “I’m not afraid. I was born to do this. WATCH ME.”
Guess what? It just so happens I am born to do this shit! You can buy the book!!!!
Purchase Finding Your Frugal Way on Amazon.com.

Teaching others
I told people I was starting a class to teach people, here on Long Island, how to shop a little differently in order to be more frugal. It’s a “low-stress” way of using coupons to food shop, along with a more calm approach to shopping online and saving, sometimes earning, money. Again, I got the “you’re nuts” look from people who didn’t understand why I’d want to do that, since that extreme couponing has such a negative image. First, I’m not extreme couponing – I’m not a supporter of that (sorry to offend those who extreme coupon). I do simple things that save me money, but don’t take over my life.
Watch me succeed
My usual response to the nay sayers is “I was BORN to do this. It’s my gift to share with others who truly want to save money, but not give up the things they love, like Starbucks. So WATCH ME succeed.” And the first classes are starting TWO MONTHS ahead of schedule, because of the feedback we have received from our “audience” on Long Island! Small classes, learning hands on how to save money without losing themselves in coupons and spreadsheets!
My go-to motivation: I am NOT afraid. I was BORN to do this. Scream it sometime, in your car, on your travels. It feels REALLY good. I do it with the kids in the car, I don’t care. If my kids learn anything from me, I want them to learn that THEY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY BELIEVE THEY CAN DO. To never be afraid and to know, they were BORN TO DO THIS!
Love the quote!!!!!! I love the idea of a class on Long Island :)
So many wonderful saying come from a war situation or from a soldier…..very interesting….
i’ve NEVER heard that quote. But, I LOVE it! Sometimes we let fear take up so much of our time/life. When we come to realize what we were ‘born’ to do… that confidence can shine through!!
Fear does play a big part in a lot of what all of do!
Totally agree!