
Irish Soda Bread Recipe Collection

Irish Soda Bread. It’s the must-have on St. Patrick’s Day, right behind corned beef and cabbage. Just like there’s tons of corned beef and cabbage recipes, there’s even more Irish Soda Bread recipes to sort through. To make life easier for everyone, I’ve created a small but solid Irish Soda Bread recipe collection for my peeps.

irish soda bread recipe collection

Short but solid Irish Soda Bread recipe collection

Whether you’re Irish or not, Irish Soda Bread is one of those things that everyone enjoys all March long. Maybe even during other times of the year, too. What makes Irish Soda Bread different than most other breads? No yeast. Makes it a lot easier to bake, when you’re impatient like I am! I look forward to enjoying this treat each year, in moderation, as I’m moving towards healthier eating habits, which means all-organic foods. Until I find an all-oganic and healthier Irish Soda Bread recipe, the following six are my favorites.

Grandma’s Irish Soda Bread

Grandma knows what she’s doing in this one, because this one has a crusty crust, but is soft inside! You can leave the raisins out if they aren’t your thing, too. It says prep time is 10 minutes, however, it does take longer when you’re not a baker-type. Check out Grandma’s Irish Soda Bread on Sally’s Baking Addiction.

The Stay at Home Chef Irish Soda Bread

Now this one uses COARSE SEA SALT, which is fabulous. No raisins. No caraway seeds. No sugar. Just salty and squishy and golden brown. Head over to The Stay at Home Chef for their Irish Soda Bread recipe.

Ina Garten Irish Soda Bread

Ina Garten keeps it traditional with currants! Recipes definitely vary – but the most traditional sweet ones I’ve found include currants. She also adds a little something citrus in hers, and I’m totally here for it! Excited to share Ina Garten’s Irish Soda Bread recipe.

Traditional Irish Soda Bread

Interested in a super simple, crazy traditional Irish Soda Bread that keeps it basics? This one has just FOUR ingredients, and sugar is NOT one of the ingredients. Let’s Dish definitely keeps it simple, and truly bakes up like a “loaf of bread”. Whereas many others bake up more like a “dessert” loaf, if that makes sense. Get crazy making Let’s Dish’s Traditional Irish Soda Bread recipe.

Betty Crocker’s Irish Soda Bread

An Irish Soda Bread recipe collection cannot be completed until Betty Crocker’s take on the recipe is shared! It’s got raisins, it’s got sugar, and one of the only ones with baking powder. Go ahead and check out Betty Crocker’s take on Irish Soda Bread.

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By | 2025-02-05T18:28:49-05:00 March 10, 2021|Food & Drink|Comments Off on Irish Soda Bread Recipe Collection

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!