
Live Authentically: 4 Tips for Finding a New City to Match Your Lifestyle

Have you been feeling antsy? Unsettled? Like you’re just not where you’re meant to be? As if you need to live authentically, but aren’t doing so? Many people long to step out in life and find their true calling but fear the uncertainty in creating a fresh start.

City skyline

Live authentically: 4 tips for finding a new city to match your lifestyle

If you’re ready or seriously considering moving to a new city, take out the guesswork in making your move by reading the top four tips for finding a new city to match your lifestyle.

Research the financial lifestyle

During the research stages of creating your fresh, new life it is important to look into the statistics concerning the cities on your list. Questions you need to ask are:

  • What is the job market like in my field of expertise?
  • Is the cost of living sustainably compared to my expected income?
  • What does the current housing market look like in this area?

After researching the housing and job market, factor in things such as gas expenses according to your commuting time when deciding if the cost of living is sustainable.

Study up on natural weather phenomenon

You may have found the perfect city, but if the city is prone to frequent tornadoes and you have a horrific fear of storms, perhaps that area isn’t right for you.

Research the local weather patterns to discover the best match for your lifestyle.

Assess your parenting lifestyle

If you’re a parent or plan to become a parent, it’s important to consider how your city of choice will match your family lifestyle. While a large city may have every other box checked on your list of must-haves if you prefer to raise your children in a country setting than the city may not be for you.

What activities would you participate in on a lazy Saturday afternoon? A busy Tuesday morning? Does your choice city have the schooling options you would like? Local parks or playgrounds? Consider your family lifestyle when finding the right city for you.

Scope the city out

Once you narrow your list down, take a vacation. Seriously, take a trip to your new city to see what living there really means and how well it matches your lifestyle.

After these top tips for finding the city to match your lifestyle, speak with local real estate agents to begin making your dreams a reality. For additional help, check out Where You Should Live.

Author bio: Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. She writes most often on health and education. When not writing, she enjoys reading and watching film noir. Say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2

By | 2019-03-30T21:57:35-04:00 April 22, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Live Authentically: 4 Tips for Finding a New City to Match Your Lifestyle