12 11, 2024

Scenic Leaf Peeping Spots in New York

By | 2024-10-15T14:32:56-04:00 November 12, 2024|Travel|Comments Off on Scenic Leaf Peeping Spots in New York

Autumn used to be all about a crisp chill in the air and wearing sweaters.....now, our temperatures are all out of whack in New York. We can go from summer-type temps on a Friday and snow the following day. However, the one thing that remains a constant: the changing of the leaves. It happens at [...]

2 10, 2024

New York Fall Day Date Ideas to Experience this Season

By | 2024-09-18T14:50:53-04:00 October 2, 2024|Lifestyle|Comments Off on New York Fall Day Date Ideas to Experience this Season

It's fall y'all. Time to get out on fun dates around New York (not just New York City). New York fall day date ideas can range from indoor activities requiring absolutely no subways to outdoor adventures requiring hiking boots! I know what you're probably thinking: who wants a date that requires hiking boots? Totally get [...]

4 09, 2023

Fall Bucket List Ideas

By | 2023-10-16T17:19:42-04:00 September 4, 2023|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Fall Bucket List Ideas

Every person on the planet has a preferred season. Some people live for winter and all the winter sports that come with the colder temperatures. Others become giddy as summer rolls around, whilst many prefer spring as they witness the signs of life sprouting through the ground. And then there are those of us who [...]

4 11, 2020

4 Fall Family Activities for Thanksgiving

By | 2023-06-20T17:45:59-04:00 November 4, 2020|Family|Comments Off on 4 Fall Family Activities for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is about being grateful, and spending time with family. Check out the best 4 fall family activities for thanksgiving!

14 10, 2019

Fun Indoor and Outdoor Fall Activities for Families

By | 2023-06-16T09:41:24-04:00 October 14, 2019|Family|Comments Off on Fun Indoor and Outdoor Fall Activities for Families

Autumn is here! What kinds of fun indoor and outdoor fall activities are you planning for your family? No ideas? We've a few suggestions for you!

24 09, 2018

7 best things about Fall

By | 2023-06-16T09:38:00-04:00 September 24, 2018|Lifestyle|2 Comments

Fall often comes out of nowhere, doesn't it? One moment we're enjoying the summer heat, and then BOOM, it's cold every morning when I let the dog out. What happened to easing into the cooler temperatures? Is that not a thing anymore? We just go right from sweltering heat, to 40 degree temperatures at seven [...]