Usually by Tuesday, you’re surviving at work because you’re dreaming about Friday. I get it. I use to do the same thing. I’d happily “x” out the days on my desk calendar…..happy to mark another day off! However, you can enhance every day of your week with a little shopping. SMART Shopping!
Mondays were about cars, and electronics. Totally not the case for Tuesdays! Think TRAVEL…..
Airline Tickets. Best damn time to buy airline tickets? Tuesday afternoon. BEST TIME EVER. Yes, there will probably be deals from Tuesday afternoon, around 3pm until Thursday. However, if you want to get the best price in all the land…..get yourself set up, and ready, to buy on Tuesday afternoons, according to LifeHacker! If you’re planning a trip to Florida, California, or basically anything domestic, figure on buying TWO MONTHS before you’re going to travel, and make sure you’re buying on a Tuesday afternoon around 4PM. Believe it!
Honestly, it’s about the only good thing to buy on Tuesdays….however, if you’re going out to eat, you might find a far better meal on your plate for the prices you are paying, when you’re eating out on Tuesday nights. You’ve got most “local” restaurants closed on Mondays, and everyone’s back on Tuesdays raring to go and make great food. Plus, they’ll be getting a fresh shipment of food from their food distributors, and local markets. It may not be less expensive to eat at your favorite local restaurant, but it’s the best VALUE you’ll find for the prices you pay!
Have a fan-tab-u-lous Tuesday everyone! And if you’ve got some tricks for buying on Tuesdays, please share them in the comments below!