By now, most of our kids are back in school and well on their way to a productive school year. Life is shifting, and falling back into more of a routine for most of us. Activities are popping back up on the family schedule: dance, jiu jitsu, tennis, lacrosse, soccer, and all that jazz. Schedules are packed as soon as school lets out, because before the kids head to activities, they’ve got homework to tackle. The mad scramble is real, folks. It. Is. Real. It doesn’t take away from my desire to focus on working on myself. While the kids are at school, and before I start my official workday, I have turned to making Healthy Recipes found on Grokker.
Working on myself making Healthy Recipes found on Grokker
People often look ate me like I’m nuts when I say I don’t have time to prepare meals for my family during the week. They always respond “aren’t you home all day?” Wow? Really? Aren’t you at work all day? Yeah, so am I. While you head to your office, I head to my home office after dropping my kids off at school. More often than not, I don’t take any kind of “lunch” break, nor do I spend a lot of time chatting with co-workers in the office.
My work day begins at about 8:50 in the morning, after I’ve dropped the kids off at school. I walk over to my desk, sit down, and more often than not, I don’t get back up until 2:30 in the afternoon when I have to pick the kids up. No breaks. No lunch. Sometimes I get up to pee. Once the kids are home, it’s homework time. After homework, it’s activities. My kids have activities every night. Before their activities, they have a small snack. I try to make sure it’s healthier than chips, but sometimes it’s pretzels and water.
After activities, the kids get to eat dinner. It’s often pasta, because that’s what takes no time to do. Other times it’s some kind of frozen meal:
- nuggets
- fries
- tater tots
- pizza
- other random things we sometimes make and stockpile in the freezer
As for me? Most days I won’t even eat until after the kids go to bed. It’ll be the only meal I have all day. Terrible, I know. Kids come first, work comes second, I come dead last.
WHY does this happen?
It’s because I have no off switch. I don’t leave my house to go to the office. I don’t leave the office, and the work, behind when I go home. When the kids are doing homework, I’m back at my desk working for a few minutes until they need my help. While they change for their activities, guess who jumps back to work? Yes, that’s right, ME! Eating is so far down on my list of things to do for myself, it’s plain sad.
Now it’s going to change. Kids are back at school, and I’ve got Grokker as a source for healthy meals. Plus, there’s a whole category for easy meals, too. Quick meals sometimes beat out healthy, it happens. There’s a ton of other recipe categories, like Vegetarian, Italian, French, and soups. It’s endless. Personally, I’m happy to have a great website that offers not just the recipes, but VIDEOS to watch. I’m not the best cook in the kitchen, and I love being able to watch the videos to make sure I’m doing everything right. No questions holding me back. I can focus on just making the meal.
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