No better celebration than a Red Robin one, right? Especially after suffering through a broken clavicle healing process. Painful for not just the kid with the break, but for all around him, too. After The Boy fell off a spinning chair in his classroom on the last full day of school in June, we faced a painful break, for sure. We also faced a painfully boring summer. It’s a good thing our Disney trip was back in May, and our trip to Universal Studios wasn’t happening until the first week of September.
Even with all of that squared away, our summer was long and a bit boring. The upside: he became a much stronger swimmer without having any other activities to do for two months! Once we got the all clear for him to return to all activities, we celebrated The Boy’s healed bone at Red Robin, yummm.
Celebrated The Boy’s healed bone at Red Robin, yummm
Three out of four of us in the family are burgers and fries lovers. Of course, the other one is a huge french fry lover, just doesn’t eat burgers. He’s bizarre.
Red Robin isn’t super close to where we live, so we hadn’t taken the kids to eat there before. I wanted to celebrate not just the healed bone, but the start of the school year. Red Robin happens to have a fantastic program through their Red Robin Royalty membership card, and it benefits a specific school of your choosing!
Obviously, being a Red Robin Royalty member has other perks, like a free burger for your birthday. However, it’s also a great way to join the Burgers for Better Schools program. Yes, my friends. You can earn money for a school of your choosing, and enjoy amazing burgers. Red Robin donates one percent of the total bill (before tax and tip) to the school of your choice, which for us is our kids’ school! All people have to do is present their Red Robin Royalty card, or supply your phone number attached to the royalty program, before paying the bill. Super simple. Just on the food purchases, though. It doesn’t count when you buy gift cards!
It’s not just for elementary schools, either, like a lot of other programs. Instead, it’s for Kindergarten through 12th. It’s even easy to track your money raising progress online with your account, and make larger donations using a credit card. Super high tech, just like their ordering, and paying, systems at their tables in the restaurant.
Why we love Red Robin, beyond the Burgers for Better Schools program
There used to be a Red Robin at the local mall around where I grew up, and we’d be there often. I wasn’t pleased when it closed. Why? The burgers are just damn good! Gourmet burgers are their thing, and they rarely stray from what they are good at. Oh, yes, and the bottomless fries don’t hurt, either. Now they’ve even gone a step further, and offer bottomless broccoli, too. The hardest part about eating at Red Robin, for me, is choosing which one of the more than two dozen high-quality burgers, is going to feed my face.
We went all out to celebrate the ending of The Boy’s restrictions. Onion ring tower, guacamole and salsa with chips, huge burgers, salted caramel milkshake for Mama Sunflower, and of course, cheesecake desserts for the other three. All I needed was that milkshake. Who can say no to salted CARAMEL???!!!! I know I canNOT.
We had a gift card to use up, and we came pretty dang close.
It’s the first time we didn’t worry about anything we ordered. We just went for it! We couldn’t get it any closer to the amount on the gift card if we tried! Check out our amazing eating skills!
It was a good night, with great burgers and a little man who was back in business! Plus, we were able to earn some bucks for the kids’ school, which made the trip all the more sweeter, or juicier, however you prefer to look at it!
I recommend signing up for not just the Red Robin Royalty membership, but also for the Burgers for Better Schools program. Both are free, and a free burger on your birthday is ecstasy, believe it! Plus, there’s other perks to becoming a member, too. Head over to find out all about it, and sign up for free!
**The Red Robin information, and gift cards, have been provided by Red Robin.
I made an error in the rafflecopter for following on Twitter and could not correct the entry. I follow as @birdiebee52
I’ll make the correction in the backend. I think I can!