
Kidfresh Super Duper Chicken Nuggets

Disclaimer: I received one box of Kidfresh Super Duper Chicken Nuggets in order to write this sponsored post. All of my opinions are 100% mine, and of course, 100% my daughter’s, husband’s, and son’s.

#kidfresh #superdupernuggetsOh that sweet face in the photo…..she was such a picky eater until just about two months ago. Now she’s trying everything, and liking almost everything. Lobster, turkey chili, turkey meatloaf, eggplant, and so much more. Heck, she even liked raw garlic! She really is my kid. Unfortunately for her, Mommy’s not the best cook. Unfortunately for all of us, her schedule after school, is going to be BRUTAL for our family of four. Especially when you add into the mix The Boy’s newly found love for Jiu Jitsu. Dinner will be IMPOSSIBLE to prepare, and eat, on some weekdays, and Mommy needs a short cut. Kidfresh Super Duper Chicken Nuggets might be the answer for her!

Frozen Meal that’s healthy?

I know, I asked myself the same thing: a frozen meal that’s healthy? Come on! Anyone can put All Natural on the box, as long as one thing is natural in the ingredients. I know, it’s just how the United States does their thing. However, while reading through all the ingredients on the outside of the box, it was glaringly obvious I could pronounce each one of the ingredients; there wasn’t anything hydrogenated in the products; the sodium was relatively low; and there were just 4 grams of fat per serving. I’m confident the #superdupernuggets are a much healthier alternative than grabbing drive thru from a local fast food restaurant! Plus, when I’m really stretched for time, I can throw them in the microwave. I prefer the toaster oven, but when push comes to shove in this house, we do what we have to do to get out the door!

What’s in these nuggets?

Little Miss has turned into an amazing reader, and when she started to read the ingredients out, I told her to start from the very top. When she read off chicken breast meat as the first ingredient in the list, I told her “start from the beginning, like I told you.” She gave me the snotty eye roll and said “Mom, I AM.” I took the box from her, and was shocked to see the first ingredient was actually CHICKEN MEAT. Normally, with frozen stuff, the “chicken” is further down the list, and it doesn’t say chicken meat, that’s for sure. I apologized, and handed the box back to her. Little brat put her hand on her hip and said “I told you so, Mom.” She got the look and quickly corrected herself, and kept reading…..

Sneaky Kidfresh managed to hide cauliflower, and onions into the nuggets, too. The chicken is even HUMANELY raised, and free of antibiotics. Is it PERFECT? No. There’s nothing on the package about GMO corn being used to feed the chickens they get the meat from, and they use “natural flavors” in the list of ingredients, which makes me a little uneasy. However, for our family, when we are in a bind and my daughter needs to eat on the run from one activity to another, I feel better about throwing these into the toaster oven while she does her homework, than stopping at drive thru! I can pair it up with some fresh fruit, and she’s fueled up for dance class, Jiu Jitsu, or tennis. Just all depends on the day of the week!

Watch out first week of school, we’re ready for you now!

#kidfresh #superdupernuggetsKidfresh Promise

I love that Kidfresh is committed to helping busy families feed their kids healthy meals. It’s great that they hide at least a 1/2 a cup of veggies in each meal; they are aware of the sodium, calories and fat they are putting into each serving; they are taking great care to make it taste good; they’re using BPA free trays and green packaging; and they’re staying away from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives (it’s why I can read all the ingredients on the packaging for the #SuperDuperNuggets , right?)

What else you should know?

  • Three out of four of us in our home loved them. Can you guess who didn’t? Yeah, my picky eater, The Boy. However, he doesn’t like much of anything unless we soak it in chocolate…….well, there’s an idea we didn’t try with the nuggets. I shudder at the thought of it.
  • You can find Kidfresh at stores like Safeway, Kroger, Whole Foods, Publix, and Harris Teeter. Not sure where to go? You can find a store locator on the website at www.kidfresh.com/find-a-store
  • The price tag will run you anywhere between $3.49 and $3.99 – it just depends on where you shop, and what stores you shop in.

#Kidfresh has a whole line of healthy frozen meals. They’ve got Wagon Wheels Mac & Cheese, Spaghetti Loops & Meat Sauce, Muy Cheesy Quesadillas, Easy Cheesy Ravioli, Rainbow Rice & Chicken, Totally Twisted Pasta & Meatballs, and their newest creation – Super Duper Chicken Nuggets. Honestly, I haven’t tried them all. My kids aren’t big on a lot of these meals with pasta, and cheeses – even with Little Miss getting into more foods, she’s still not a big fan of pasta unless it’s boiled in water. It’s the consistency that gets to her. We’re all about the chicken! It’s official, my daughter is a #SuperDuperKid thanks to #Kidfresh and their new nuggets.

An EXCLUSIVE giveaway is being done with just my Newsletter Subscribers. If you’re not signed up, you might want to consider doing so! You just never know when I’ll decide to give away coupons, gifts, or whatever I feel like!

By | 2016-08-30T17:11:38-04:00 September 5, 2013|Food & Drink, Reviews|1 Comment

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!

One Comment

  1. Tracy Iseminger @ Daily Dish Magazine September 15, 2013 at 6:00 pm

    Ah! My daughter would love these! Great review :)

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