I’m not ashamed of my desire to look young. I’ve grown up being mistaken for being at least 15 years younger than my current age. It’s something I loved once I hit 25 years of age, and I’ve embraced it tighter and tighter as the years creep up on me. Do I still look 15 years younger than my current age? I’m not sure. In recent years, I have been mistaken for 25 when I’ve got my sunglasses on, and when I didn’t, I have often been mistaken for 28. I’ll take it. Photofacial treatments started on my face, and after two sessions, I’m normally mistaken for 25 without my sunglasses on. I will TAKE IT. I don’t even care if these people are bold face fibbing to my face!
Photofacial treatments available on Long Island with Dr. Elyse Rafal
When I first heard about IPL, all I cared about was getting rid of one specific brown spot that’s been the bane of my existence since I was a little less than 30 years of age. I have wanted it gone since it showed up, and I have spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on products in hopes each one would get rid of it. Even fade it. Nothing ever worked.
However, with my photofacial treatments, it’s become more than just ridding my face of this horrible brown spot. It’s fading, for sure. However, IPL has also removed some of the less pronounced brown spots. It’s also gotten my redness under control on my face. Along with all of this, my skin has started to change for the better. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still got issues. I’ve got adult acne issues, and this causes me a lot of stress, which adds to the acne situation.
Bring on the discomfort
Slowly, as I figure out the products Dr. Rafal has provided to me for my skin care, I’m learning what works for the acne and what doesn’t. Between the photofacial treatments, along with the skin care line which includes retinol products, my skin seems to be even more youthful than before. I’ll take whatever I can get, and welcome being mistaken for being in my 20s. Hell, I’m happy to be mistaken for anything under 40, to be brutally honest!
Each session is a bit painful, causes a lot of redness and swelling for days. However, after a few days, the skin that emerges is well worth the minimal pain during the procedure. It’s worth the swelling for a couple of days. It’s worth all of it. I’m looking forward to my third session, and probably a fourth one, to really get rid of that one brown spot plaguing me!