
Flippin over flipflop wines

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.


We're flippin over the tasty budget-friendly FlipFlop wine

Before I dive into my flipflop® wines review, I’m revealing a deep, dark secret: I do NOT drink wine straight. Never developed a taste for it. Put it in a dessert, I love it. Cook with it, love it. Make a Sangria with it, I’m all in. However, straight up drinking wine isn’t my thing. When flipflop wines contacted me to do a review for them, I told them “I don’t think I’m the right chic for this, even though I LIVE in flip flips”.

They insisted I was. After reading through my articles, they knew how important quality at a great price is to me, and my readers. I agreed, but to make sure someone was flippin over flipflop wine, I found a willing test drinker. Or taste tester, whatever works for you.

We’re flippin over the tasty budget-friendly FlipFlop wine

Pinot Grigio WineRiesling WineI emailed my cousin Danielle, she’s always up for an adventure. I didn’t even need to convince her. As soon as I let her know “A shipment of wine is heading my way” she asked what time she should arrive to taste them. I didn’t even get to tell her the wine company donates flip flip shoes to people in need for every bottle of wine purchased. Dan likes wine. Especially her Pinot Grigio. We set the date for our wine sampling and waited for the delivery!

Learning about wines

To prepare, I read about wine. How to store it. My three bottles of wine: two whites and a red.

The whites:

  • Pinot Grigio
  • Riesling

The red:

  • Pinot Noir.

If you’re a wine lover, you know the two whites need chilling before drinking. As for the red, keep it at room temperature. Learned something about storing wine: keep wine out of direct sunlight. I guess that’s why people have wine CELLARS. It’s all new to me.


What I knew right away: the bottles are a great price. Each bottle costs $7. Definitely a frugal find, however, did it taste good? Did it stack up to wines that my fellow frugalites would find at a local liquor store? That’s where Danielle came in! She’s like me, buys things on sale, with coupons, etc. On Long Island, wine is normally $12 for a decent bottle. I didn’t tell her the price until we were through the first taste of the first bottle of wine. Her shocked expression solidified we’d found ourselves a decent wine at a decent price. KA-POW!

Taking the wine tasting plunge

pinot noir flip flop wine

I tasted each wine. Again, not a wine drinker. The one I liked the most was the red, Pinot Noir. I ate it with chocolate chip cookies. Honestly, given the choice, I’d skip wine altogether. However, since the team at flipflop wines were nice enough to send me three bottles, I bit the bullet. I sampled each bottle with my cousin. Plus, I liked companies that give back. flipflop wines joined up with Soles4S

ouls. flipflop wines is dedicated to helping Soles4Souls donate shoes to those in need. How could I say not to a review for a company like this?

My cousin tells me the wines are a great value for the price, totally affordable and worth the $7 per bottle. I give her the credit for this review!

Check out flipflop wines and read about Soles4Souls here –> flipflop wines

PS-The wine must have been good, she went home with her favorite one, Pinot Grigio!

FlipFlipWine-Pinot Grigio


By | 2018-01-19T13:39:34-05:00 July 8, 2011|Food & Drink, Reviews|2 Comments

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!


  1. Danielle July 9, 2011 at 7:54 am

    Great post!!! I am looking up Flip Flop wines now to see where I can buy them here on Long Island. =)

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