Everyday commuting hazards in New York State
Living in New York has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages. Learn more about the everyday commuting hazards in New York State.
Living in New York has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages. Learn more about the everyday commuting hazards in New York State.
Brilliant with a side of personality doesn't even cover Ward Stare. His talent is extraordinary, and the fact that he's from my home state of New York, brings a sense of pride. I'd have never known of him, or his talents, if not for my daughter's desire to play Viola for her school's orchestra. Go [...]
If you've never attended the New York Baby Show before, you're missing out. Seriously outstanding number of brands show up to share their very best-of-the-best products to parents, and parents-to-be. Never assume if you don't have a baby, you'll have nothing to check out. Plenty of vendors had goodies for kids in the single digit time [...]
Happy & Healthy at Duane Reade.
Homes are too expensive, our salaries do not go far on Long Island and when you are married with kids, BOTH parents have to work in order to survive.