Yoga. It’s supposedly great for everyone at every level. Pfft. Sure it’s great for everyone at every level <insert eye roll here.> Yoga isn’t easy, people. You all have been doing it longer, I can’t even keep my balance most of the time. I’m a hazard in any Yoga class I enter. Instead of causing disturbances in classes, I’m doing Yoga at home with Grokker. It’s less expensive, and I can fall as many times as I want without causing a bowling pin type scenario in a classroom!
Yoga at home with Grokker
Weight loss. Fitness. Inner peace. I’m for it all. HAHAAAA, if you know me at all, you know I have no idea what inner peace is. However, I am all about losing weight. Who doesn’t like to lose a few pounds once in a while? Fitness? Totally new concept. I work with a personal trainer at a great gym near where I live. He’s been a friend of mine since we were in elementary school, and he’s making sure I’m stronger than ever. However, Yoga intrigues me, yet intimidates me, as well. My friend doesn’t have a Yoga class, so I’m doing Yoga at home with Grokker.
It’s funny, because what made me consider trying Yoga after all these years of being told it would help my flexibility, and my overall fitness, was the Metabolism boosting Yoga videos in the Grokker Yoga Series! However, it said it was for intermediate Yoga-ites. I figured I’d have to work up to that, so I started with the Yoga for tension relief. You know, I figured, why not? Plus, I’d have a bit of Yoga under my belt and tackle the metabolism boosting videos. Plus, combined with the Stress Relief Yoga videos, I was going to be calm as a cucumber.
Apparently, you can’t just watch them, though. You have to actually DO the stuff on the video. Crazy! I kid, I kid…..a little. The first few times I streamed them to my television, I just watched them. All the soothing talk kind of relaxed me, and then after I saw the movements, I attempted them. Let’s just say you should all thank me for doing this at home, and not coming to a class and completely disrupting your lives. Shockingly, I’m still attempting them. Working my way up, so I can get that Metabolism boosting Yoga greatness happening, because after the holidays, I’m going to need my metabolism to work a little harder for me. I’m tagging it into the Octagon. It hasn’t been doing its part for a while now, so it’s time.
What do you guys do to help with your flexibility, and stress relief, and tension relief? Have you tried Grokker? You can try it out for 14 days, at no cost. There’s a 14-day Yoga Challenge, which includes 14 videos. See how that worked out? One video per day of your free trial, and it’s a challenge, so it’s kind of pushing you into the Yoga world by giving you a little double dog dare at no charge! Sweet!
Go get your free 14-day trial for all the Yoga goodness at Grokker.