When you have a baby, buying all the fun stuff like clothes, shoes and toys overtakes your planning. Of course, you need a crib, probably a changing table and the all important diaper genie if you’re using disposables. However, don’t forget about the “boring” stuff. You know, the stuff keeping them fed and dry! Formula and diapers. Otherwise known as “the must-have baby necessities.”
Must-have baby necessities to buy on cash rebate websites
Normally, I shop for everything online through cash rebate sites. Hard to believe, but with diapers, wipes, formula and baby food, Mr. Sunflower manages to find better deals in brick and mortar stores. HOWEVER, I always compare pricing, because MANY times there’s a sale on an online store with FREE SHIPPING. After factoring in the cash rebate earnings on the purchases, sometimes the order is done online. It’s all about playing the odds each time we need to replenish.
Diapers.com prices are fairly comparable to most stores. We always found so many coupons for the brick and mortar stores, we normally bought them at supermarkets when the diapers were on sale. Breaking from my normal way of shopping, but I didn’t do the shopping for these, this was all Mr. Sunflower’s doing! However, at times, Diapers.com has been cheaper.
****UPDATE****Unfortunately, with Diapers.com moving to Amazon.com, there’s no cash back websites offering cash back on these items.
Interested in going the “environmental” route, but don’t want to do the cloth diaper thing? Perhaps try gDiapers. gDiapers are certified 100% biodegradable diapers. You purchase the gPant, then the gRefills for inside the reusable gPant. Instead of purchasing these in a brick and mortar store, head online. Purchasing them on line at Babies “R” Us you can earn cash rebates shopping through Mr. Rebates. If you Google gDiapers, find the stores selling them, and head to Mr. Rebates to see which gives you the highest cash rebates. Then price compare, to see which scenario works best.
It’s totally okay to feed your child formula. Both of my kids were formula fed. Sign up for freebies and coupons here–> SIMILAC FORMULA COUPONS. The beauty of being a new Mom: you can sign up for a TON of freebies for formula. Every formula out there has a website. Sign up for samples and freebies for the one you use. We saved a lot of money with free samples, along with HUGE value coupons for $5.00 off, $10 off, $1.00 off.
Unfortunately, those coupons aren’t useable online. However, if you don’t sign up to get the coupons and free samples, turn to online stores for fair prices on formula. Many online stores offer free shipping when reaching a certain dollar amount.
If you’re a new parent, don’t worry, you’ll qualify for the dollar amount. Formula will bring you right over those thresholds for free shipping. You’ll find the prices at your local grocery store and Walmart to be about the same prices as you find at online stores. Go ahead and buy it online to earn some cash rebates for it.
Plus, isn’t it nice, as a new mom to have things arrive on your doorstep, instead of going to the store?
If you haven’t signed up for Mr. Rebates, please join through my referral link by clicking here –>Mr. Rebates
PS – Don’t forget, when you make all these purchases, use your CASH EARNING CREDIT CARDS. Just make sure you pay your ENTIRE credit card bill each time it’s due. Don’t let a balance carry over! Use those credit cards like cash. If you DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY, DO NOT USE THE CREDIT CARD.