
Left handed products to Buy to Show Your Lefty You Care

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Left-handers….I’ve been surrounded by them my entire life. I, myself, often switch hands for certain tasks. I write with my right hand and it is absolutely my dominant hand. However, when I play golf or hockey, I morph into a lefty. There are things I do with both hands – and as my right hand suffers more and more with pain, I find I seamlessly switch to my left hand more often. I still write with my right, and will pick things up instinctively with my right hand, so most household items still work just fine for me.

left handed products

However, I’m aware of how often the lefties in my life struggle:

We live in a right-handed world, folks. Finding left handed products is often difficult. Lefties end up struggling through life doing simple things, because they’re forced to use products that many people view as “standard” but are really righty specific!

Invest in Left Handed Products to Show Your Lefty You Care

We all struggle enough to “fit into” this world around us. Plenty of lefties are out here conforming to right-handed EVERYTHING. I grew up with lefties, and the father of my children is a left-hander. His own father is also. left-hander. When you’re a lefty in a right-hander dominated world – you tend to just make-do with the righty products around your own home, and everywhere else. Worse yet, it’s just expected.

Ever have a child with a dominant left hand want to learn guitar? Did you almost faint when pricing out how much a lefty’s guitar is and find the right-handed ones are much less expensive so you decide to buy the cheaper guitar and force the kid to adjust to it? Yeah, it happens all-the-time. If you’re blessed as a left-hander to have a lefty parent, sometimes you benefit in small ways – like, receiving a set of golf clubs that are made for a left handed golfer even if they cost just a bit more money!

It might seem trivial…. but, it’s important to feel cared for, loved, and accepted – so when it’s possible, buy the left handed products for your loved ones. It truly does make all the difference to the lefties in your life.

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By | 2024-07-22T18:37:36-04:00 August 13, 2024|Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Left handed products to Buy to Show Your Lefty You Care

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!