
deLish snacks for our personal kid basketball tournament

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser.

We don’t have a favorite team in this house when it come’s to basketball. Before kids, I’d have a very strategic way of cheering on the team of choice during a basketball tournament in the month of  March. Oh yeah, super scientific: the team wearing blue. If there wasn’t any blue, I’d just choose based on which state the team was from. I know, don’t steal that strategy – I’ve got it patented. KIDDING.

Basketball tournament in our home

Keeping the kids fueled, and having a good time, requires a lot of great snacks. We can’t have one of them losing steam during the tournament, and let’s just say Mom and Dad need some good stuff to munch on during these basketball tournament games. It’s kind of a no brainer where the snacks will come from, right? Wait for it………

basketball tournament #drmunchmadness #collectivebias #shop #cbias #duanereade

…that’s right, Duane Reade. I know. You didn’t see that coming at all, right? November Sunflower went to Duane Reade for deLish snacks? It can’t be! Yeah, yeah. Put the sarcasm away, folks. Of course Mama sunflower went to Duane Reade! I’ve got players to feed, and me and the husband to keep well-nourished for this crazy basketball tournament in our home. Wait, what? You thought we’d be watching the college games on television, with our kids by our sides? Heck no! After you’ve got kids, it’s all about them entertaining the family!

Little Miss fills up for the game with her snack of choice.

basketball tournament #DRMunchMadness #shop #cbias

The Boy chows down on his preferred deLish treat.

basketball tournament #DRMunchMadness #Cbias #shop

Since it’s March, it’s still a bit chilly around Long Island, so there’s no playing basketball outdoors just yet. Instead, our tournament is played inside with our kid friendly basketball hoop. Who wants to watch college kids nobody knows? I’d rather watch my monkeys battle it out in our own home!

Which kid/snack combo will win our basketball tournament?

Little Miss sporting her Duane Reade’s tasty deLish snack of chocolate covered almonds.

basketball tournament #DRMunchMadness #shop #cbias

or The Boy and his Duane Reade’s delicious deLish snack of chocolate covered raisins.

basketball tournament #DRMunchMadness #shop #cbias

Let’s play the #DRMunchMadness basketball tournament November Sunflower style!

basketball tournament #drmunchmadness #cbias #shop

Do you think she made the shot? Which kid/snack combo do you think won the whole tournament? Leave me a comment below! Perhaps we’ll have a follow up post announcing the champion of the #DRMunchMadness Basketball Tournament!!!

Make sure you’re one of the 2 million followers on Twitter, and if not, hurry up and follow Duane Reade today. Of course, don’t forget to become a liker on the Duane Reade Facebook page, too. Plus, have you been checking out the gorgeous images from all over New York City being shared on Instagram over at @DuaneReadeNYC ? It’s a MUST follow!

P.S. – I think me and the hubby are the true winners, look at our spread we feast on while we hunker down to watch the kids compete in the November Sunflower #DRMunchMadness Basketball Tournament!

basketball tournament #DRMunchMadness #cbias #shop

By | 2014-06-18T12:55:48-04:00 March 21, 2014|Food & Drink|4 Comments

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!


  1. Sean Weber March 21, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    You find the best snacks at Duane Reade!

    • Staci Gerardi March 21, 2014 at 11:56 pm

      The lemon sorbet is seriously deLish.

  2. Kristy March 24, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    Oh that lemon sorbet looks delicious!! #client

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