I’ve been telling my daughter since she was in my belly that girls are leaders and game changers. When you find the right group to spend time with, you’ll truly understand how women can motivate, and support each other. Many women out there head to Network Marketing, because when you join certain network marketing companies, the support from other women is found larger than life within network marketing. However, it’s not the only place to find this kind of passion to create a path all of your own! I’ve been given the chance to show my daughter a little more about these lessons with this simple sponsored post from Bratz Dolls!
While little girls are growing up, they can be rather cruel to each other. It stems from insecurities. It’s not easy to be tasked with teaching your own little girl how to be self-confident, and ignore the little girls who try to put her down. My daughter is sweet, she’s kind, and she’s very well liked within her peer group. However, there’s always a few girls who are going to hate, even at the young ages of 5, 6, and 7. It’s sad, but it’s just the world my daughter lives in. All I can do is surround her with a lot of love, support, and KNOWLEDGE. It’s my goal to teach her to be a great girlfriend to her circle of little friends. It’s not easy, but when you’re given fun tools to help, it’s a bonus!
Personally, I’m not a fan of “dolls.” I wasn’t a huge fan of the Bratz line for many years, because I wasn’t educated on the message the doll line was making. I have to say, now that I know where they are at, I’m a huge support of this line of dolls. No joke. Take a look at what they are all about.
At this point, if someone wants to refer to my daughter as one of the Real Bratz of this world, it’s all good with me! This little doll stands for everything I’ve been teaching BOTH of my kids, not just my daughter. It’s always been repeated to them to make the impossible, possible. If you can dream it, you can totally do it, make it, build it, and make it happen. Here in our house, we “make it happen.” They see me work hard on this blog, and growing it into something so much bigger than what I had dreamed it would be when I started it.
My only goal in life is to make sure my kids work hard, and with all of the difficulties we had bringing them into this world, I know both of them are meant to change this world for the better. My kids, yes, both of them, love these dolls, and I’m excited to share them with all of you!
The actual dolls, are made very well. The accessories that come with them…..not the best. The laptop for Cloe falls apart easily, and her little cup of coffee doesn’t stay shut. However, I’m looking beyond these types of things, and finding amazing VALUE in these dolls for the community it brings to my kids’ lives. It’s more than the doll, here folks. It’s what they stand for……and I’m loving it for my kids. Doesn’t matter, girl, or boy, Real Bratz are a winner in my book!
Heck, they even have a blog! A Bratz blog! Outstanding!
Only suggestion? Make one with dark hair and blue eyes……it would make Little Miss super happy!