
Hump Day is the #bestdaytobuy…..

hump day (8)

hump day (8) (Photo credit: OMA&D Ethnic Cultural Center)

Middle of the week, a.k.a. Hump Day, a.k.a. Wednesday. How you choose to refer to it is up to you, I’m just here to bring on the fun shopping information you know, and love!

So what’s the best thing to buy today, on this glorious of mid week days, Hump Day?

Ladies, you’ll like this answer.

Jewelry. Apparently, us chicks love to shop on Wednesdays. Stores understand this, have done extensive research on this topic, and decided “let’s make jewelry cheaper on Wednesdays, these bitches will buy up a storm!”

Shoes. I do notice a lot of sales that start on Wednesdays…..and it’s not just for shoes, but for clothing, too. If you pay attention to your local department stores, you can figure out their cycles for moving things to clearance, and sale racks. New things cycle in once a week, they start moving and discounting the older stuff on specific days. When you figure out that cycle, you’ll be able to buy things for a lot less……just with a very small selection. In any event, someone wrote a book about times to buy things, and he says that Wednesdays are the day for your feet to get some new kicks.

Personally, I don’t buy these books telling me the best times to buy stuff. You have to feel it out for yourself. Every store is different, and even if my local Kohl’s does their cycling through on a Wednesday, your local Kohl’s might do it on a Thursday. Not ever large chain store gets their stuff done on the exact same day……

Find someone you know who works at Target, Kohl’s, Walmart, KMart…..whatever store you love, find the store manager, or one of the sales associates and ASK. They don’t mind answering! Even smaller stores, like Old Navy, have these cycles. Learn them, embrace them, and SHOP THEM!!!

Sign up for your favorite stores emails, get coupons, and get shopping!


By | 2015-02-19T17:54:22-05:00 April 17, 2013|Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Hump Day is the #bestdaytobuy…..

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!