I’m all about the simple things in life. A great hair day; skin care that doesn’t take a lot of time; sweet treats (any kind of food treats, honestly); and a great manicure. It doesn’t take all that much to make me smile, I know. It has served me well in life, and when I received my first Influenster box on my doorstep, if I had a tail, I would have wagged it! WAGGED IT I tell you. Do you want to know why? Well, the Influenster Sunshine VoxBox sent me some new brands I’d never tried before, but they all fit into my simple things in life kind of world.
Influenster Sunshine VoxBox introduces November Sunflower to new brands
Granted, I have heard of almost every brand that came in my Sunshine Vox Box from Influenster. I mean, I’d have to be living under a rock if I hadn’t heard of Vaseline, and Blue Diamond Almonds! However, I hadn’t ever tried the new products that showed up on my doorstep in my bright yellow box! Just seeing it on my stoop, when I peered through my window, made me smile. Bright yellow sunshine filled with goodies all FOR ME. Well, they were all supposed to be for me, but of course, as always, Mama Sunflower had to share.
So, what came in the box, you want to know? So glad you asked, my friends. I grabbed the kids, popped a squat on the floor, and had Mr. Sunflower grab our camera to record our very first unboxing video of all time!!!!!
We did fairly well, right? After unboxing our #SunshineVoxBox, I quickly got to using all our new loot. Let’s be very clear here, we got the box for free, but I do kind of work for the products that are in the box. I share it all over the place, and then I also chose to write about the fabulous finds. Why did I choose to write about them, and not just share on social channels? We actually loved every one of the products that came in the box, which is NOT always the case.
To mark this unheard of occasion, I figured, let’s go ALL-IN friends, and just share the poop out of all of it! Awaaaayyy we gooooooo!
Blue Diamond Almonds BOLD Sriracha
I like spicy. I’d put hot sauce on my hot sauce if I could. The Blue Diamond Almonds BOLD Sriracha flavor is decent. It’s obviously not going to match my love of heat, but my daughter who isn’t as capable of handling super spicy foods, thought they had the perfect about of spice. If you’re having a little salad, and you want to have a bit of crunch with a kick, these would be fantastic in a salad. I enjoyed eating them straight out of the bag, and only shared a few with Little Miss.
I don’t like to share food. Just think Joey from Friends. Joey doesn’t share food, well November Sunflower doesn’t share food, either. I only allowed Little Miss to taste them to get feedback from a non-hot food lover’s perspective. Don’t judge me. You know you hide food from your kids, too! You nibble on a piece of chocolate in a closet, while the kids are watching some silly cartoon on Cartoon Network.
Vaseline® Intensive Care™ Aloe Soothe Spray Moisturizer
Skin care products I have no problem sharing. The Boy’s obsession with the Vaseline® Intensive Care™ Aloe Soothe Spray Moisturizer concerned me. He asked to use it during the unboxing, and basically harassed me until bedtime when I finally allowed him to spray it on himself. He has a thing about scents, so when he got a whiff of the aroma, I was a bit nervous about what he might say.
SHOCKINGLY, he loved it. Direct quote “It smells so fresh, Mom. I love it.” How can anyone not agree with that statement right there? It does smell fresh. I wanted to grab it and spray his feet with it, because those bad boys stink, but he didn’t really need any moisturizer on his feet. BUMMER! What did I love about the lotion? It absorbs very quickly into the skin. The Boy is right, it does smell very fresh. Plus, it does a great job moisturizing. Normally I have to load up on moisturizers, but this one I don’t need a lot, and it has definitely made a difference in my skin. Normally during the summer months, I’m itchy and constantly scratching everywhere. The last couple of weeks since using the new Vaseline spray, I’m not fidgeting as much when I go to bed!
A photo posted by Staci (@novsunflower) on
In our box, there was a coupon for barkTHINS. I’d heard of barkTHINS, but didn’t know what it was. I went online to find a store that sold barkTHINS, and found one super close to where I live. I brought Little Miss with me to pick a flavor, and we decided on Dark Chocolate Pretzel with Sea Salt. The selections at our local Fairway weren’t fabulous, and I was kind of hoping for something with caramel. I got over it rather fast, though.
We made a great choice in the dark chocolate and pretzel goodness. Perfect blend of sweet and salty. Again, I shared my treat. I didn’t just share it with Little Miss, but Mr. Sunflower, too. When I offered barkTHINS, The Boy turned his nose up. Frankly, in this house, when sampling awesome treats, I offer the treat ONCE. After that, you miss out. He missed out, big time.
Three fans of barkTHINS up in this house. I’ll be on the hunt for Dark Chocolate Almond with SEA SALT, and I’m hoping they come out with something with caramel, or toffee. Just suggestions, barkTHINS. I don’t want to tell you what to do, I’m just giving you my humble opinion!
SinfulColors® Nail Polish
As soon as we finished the unboxing video, Little Miss hounded me about the nail polish. She hugged the SinfulColors polish, and carried it around the house. I told her she’d have to wait until the following day, since it was fairly late in the day and we weren’t going to have time. I’m fairly certain she would have slept with the polish if I had let her.
Yes, she’s a little obsessed with nail polish and having her nails, and toes, looking fabulous. Her first words out of her mouth the following morning? You got it. “Can we do my nails with our new polish mommy?” See how she called OUR new polish? Nothing’s ever really mine in this house!
Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel Refreshingly Clean Cleansing Cloths
Witch Hazel has always been in my medicine cabinet. My mother always had it, and I just continued the tradition. It’s got so many uses for skin care, but it can be a little overwhelming when you use it directly on your skin. The scent just makes my eyes water. I won’t lie, people, I was nervous trying the Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel Refreshingly Clean Cleansing Cloths, because of the Witch Hazel. My first though “dang it, this might not go well.” It always pains me if a product that can help speed up my daily skin care routine, doesn’t work, or I can’t handle the scent of it.
We got lucky folks. Dickinson’s cleansing cloths don’t overwhelm your nose with a witch hazel stench. It’s light, and does a great job cleaning. It doesn’t leave a sticky residue, like a lot of other cleansing cloths do. Since I never wear make-up, I can’t speak to how well it works in getting make-up off, but I can tell you after a full day of being outside in the heat, it was refreshing to use one of these cloths on not just my face!
Sometimes a shower is too tiring. Thankfully, the cloths are fairly large, super soft, and help freshen me up before bed. Arms, legs, neck and that’s all you need to know about. We’re a family show here, friends. Well, for the most part. It’s family with a little bit of colorful language, just like how we were in the house!
Infusium 23 Moisture Replenisher Leave-in Smoothing Creme Enhanced with Avocado and Olive Oil
I know what you’re thinking: she’s putting a salad on her head? What’s with the Avocado and Olive Oil? I promise, no salad came to any salad. I can tell you, my hair felt very silky soft after using it for a couple of days. It still feels soft, and silky. It says to either use it when hair is damp, or when hair is dry. I found that just using it when my hair was still damp was perfect. When I tried to freshen up with it later in the day, it caused my hair to feel greasy, not silky. It’s a subtle difference, but it was just not how I want my hair to feel when I touch it.
The following day, I held off on using it in my damp hair, and once it was dry, I put a little bit of the Infusium 23 Moisture Replenisher Leave-in Smoothing Creme. It worked well, but I still like the feeling when I use it in my damp hair. It’s a matter of preference. I love how it smells, and the kids loved sniffing my hair while we sat on the couch.
Mommy, your hair smells so pretty. It smells delicious.
Thankfully, neither child tried to eat my hair. Delicious is a new, descriptive word, they both use when describing lotions, and hair products. They probably got it from me, but who knows. I’m a horrible parent, and they watch all kinds of crazy crap on television.
Anyway, I have color-treated hair, and this does a great job keeping my hair soft. My daughter’s hair is already silky, but the ends of her hair take a beating. It seems to be softening them up, and with all the time she spends in the pool with the chlorine killing her hair, this might be the trick that keeps it healthy the rest of the summer season!