
It’s Monday. Here’s what you #needtobuy today!

When you think about Monday, you think “Crap, gotta go back to work.” Personally, I don’t. I always think “crap, I have to get up so I can get the kids to school on time.” I love Summers, and weekends…..OH, WAIT. We’re always on the go, so sleeping in doesn’t happen too often these days. However, I do love that I’m not dreading Monday because of a job, working for someone else….that sucked.

Anyway……let’s see what can lift your spirits? How about a bit of shopping? Hard core goodies that give you lots of BANG for your BUCKS!

Mondays are all about:

Cars. Guess what? The weekend’s over, sales guys are totally depressed about their lackluster performances, and they are CRAVING a sale. Now’s the time to jump on them, ride them, and get a great price. Don’t feel guilty. They’d take advantage of you in a HEART BEAT, so use their depression to your advantage!

Electronics. This one I had to actually do some research on, because honestly, I wasn’t able to read the sales, and trends for this. However, according to Kelli B. Grant on SmartMoney, computers, TVs, digital cameras, and video games seem to be 2% to 4% cheaper on Mondays. Apparently, manufacturers provide discounts on Mondays, and retailers love to pass those on as soon as possible. I’m going to take her word for it…..because I don’t truly see this trend this year. But time will tell, I mean, it’s only April. Keep checking on Mondays, see if it rings true for what you want to buy!

**Online for the electronics, by the way. This might be why I don’t recall any of these types of trends. I rarely look for electronics, let alone shop online for them.

What have you found to be a great deal to buy on a Monday? A lot of local bakeries will give you a discount on day old breads, cookies, and other treats……they bag them up, or box them up, put them in a section of the bakery and label it DAY OLD BAKED GOODS. They’re perfectly delicious, and honestly, Sundays usually have leftovers that are a fantastic selection on Monday mornings!

How about in your neighborhood?


By | 2016-08-30T15:39:50-04:00 April 15, 2013|Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on It’s Monday. Here’s what you #needtobuy today!

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!