
Review of the most exciting way to show you care: SENDaBALL®

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.

You’re all going to thank me after sharing this! I found a new, exciting way to show you care.



Show you care with SENDaBALL®

I’ve grown tired of sending cards. It’s a huge waste of paper. All of them end up collecting on my countertop, as I find it hard to throw photo cards in the trash. Little faces looking at me. Guilt hits me. It’s just awful. Plus, I despise sending out cards. Let’s all just say no to cards, shall we?

However, I love to send unique gifts to people, just to show how much I care. Everyone loves to get mail, or packages (or am I the only one?) More often than not, I send a fun gift to in place of a card. Normally, it’s food related. After today’s delivery, those gifts may end up being bouncing orbs of fun. (Get your minds out of the gutter, people.)

Exciting way to show you care

I received a bouncing, red ball! The mailman knocked on my door, and presented me with a red ball. I had no idea who sent it! It had postage on it, so I know someone took the time to mail it! I happen to belong to a great website called QuestionMoms. Apparently, as a surprise, to show they care, they sent a bouncy, plastic ball. However, it wasn’t just a plain red ball with postage on it. It contained a message.

It’s addressed by hand, then mailed out on your behalf. People can send different color balls; pick a pre-written message; and customize me however you desire.

Messages are quirky

All the messages are ball related. Such as:

  • Sorry I dropped the BALL for a sorry ball
  • Have a ball on your birthday
  • The one I received was a red ball with the message “You Have Bounced Right into my Heart”

It’s adorable, and surprisingly, a nicely made ball. My kids are LOVING it. It’s such a unique way to put a smile on someone’s face. Even adults will love it. Me and my bestie were playing with it, too! She happened to be here hanging with my son while Little Miss had her Kindergarten Screening the morning it was delivered.

Cost worth it?

Is it a little high in price for my taste? A little. Mainly because they aren’t hooked up with any cash rebate sites. However, it’s a far less expensive alternative to a gift basket for someone who’s feeling sick, or laid up with an injury. I’m wouldn’t send this kind of thing more than once to the same person, but it’s definitely a fun one to send out to make a unique statement.

It’s sparked a little creativity for some gifts for my family and friends for the remainder of the year! Would be great to send someone at their office……….just sayin’!

Thanks goes out to QuestionMoms.com – love being a part of this surprise delivery.

Visit www.sendaball.com.


By | 2018-01-18T10:46:52-05:00 May 23, 2011|Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Review of the most exciting way to show you care: SENDaBALL®

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!