Whether I’m online, or at an actual store, I like to know I’m buying the things I want, for the best prices around. ShopSavvy helps shoppers find the best prices for products. It’s easy to use, and it’s right at your finger tips. It’s a thing of beauty!
How do I get ShopSavvy?
It’s pretty simple. If you’ve got a smartphone, no matter if it’s run on iOS, Android, or even Windows, you’ll have to head to where you get apps for your phone. If you’ve got an iOS phone, that’d be your iPhone. If you’re like me and have an Android, you’ll head to Google Play. If you’re sporting a Windows phone, I believe you all would head to whatever you head to when downloading apps. I can’t help you there, I’ve got nothing Windows-based in my arsenal of technology. It’ll work on tablets, too. However, I rarely take mine shopping with me, so I stick with my smartphone.
Now that you’re in the right place, just hunt in your search box for ShopSavvy. Once you’ve found it, download it. It’s totally FREE to use. Sweet!
ShopSavvy is downloaded, now what?
Now that you’ve downloaded the app, it’s time to sign up. You can do it with your Facebook account, or create one with a username and email. It’s up to you. I’m not big on attaching tons of things to my Facebook account, so I created my account with a username and my email. It’s fast, and easy. Not a huge ordeal. Once you’ve got yourself set up, it’ll start to ask you some questions to get you set up with a more personalized experience.
Basically, it wants to know what the hell you shop for! If you don’t want to do it, just skip it. Then it’ll ask you if you want to set up your “wallet.” ShopSavvy has a wallet, which allows users to skip the website when making purchases. Personally, I skipped that part. Do what you wish. It’s your phone, your shopping, and your app!
How will ShopSavvy help me while I’m shopping?
ShopSavvy has a lot of features, including showing you local deals. The feature that helps people while they are out shopping is the bar code scanner. Let’s say you’re out at Toys R Us. You see the new Zoomer Dog on sale for $79.99. You know you’ve seen in a couple of pennies cheaper, but you can’t remember where, or if it really is that much cheaper. Whip out your smartphone, open up your ShopSavvy app, and click on the bar code image in the top right of the app’s screen. It’ll open up and allow you to hold your phone over the bar code. You’ll hear it beep, and after that it’ll show you the name of the product you scanned, and list out where you can buy it, and for what price. Best thing? It’ll show you the local stores you can purchase it, mass retailers that are near you that have it for sale, and who has it for sale on line. Along with WHO has it for sale, of course, it shows you what the store is selling it for.
You can save it to a list, and you can also check out reviews on the product. If you see it at a local store, but that store isn’t on the list that shows up, ADD IT along with the price. It’s a shopper’s dream. Well, it’s a smart shopper’s dream. Anyone who doesn’t mind paying high prices, this isn’t the app for you.
What are you waiting for? Go. Shop. Smart. Now.