I’ve been super busy over at Shopswell.com. I’m excited to be shopping smarter together, because that’s how November Sunflower started out so many years ago. My goal was to help people shop smarter! It’s still a primary goal I have, because I’m always sharing my thoughts about EVERYTHING I buy; everything I see; and everywhere I go. Now I get to help out even more people, and receive a lot of help from fellow shoppers at Shopswell. Plus, have you heard about their wishlist sweepstakes? Not yet? It’s okay, don’t fret. I’m here to help.
Shopswell Wishlist Sweepstakes
Lists are a huge element of Shopswell. Yes, the community has an awesome, money-saving price tracker I’ve shared with all of you recently. It’s not just a money-saving tracker, but also a time-saver, too. I used to have to list out all of the things I wanted to buy on a spreadsheet. On the spreadsheet I’d write down all the prices, and then I’d have to go back to check prices each week! Holy cow, that’s more time than I cared to spend on anything! Now I don’t have to. Shopswell’s doing the price checking for me. I like that. Wait, no. I love that!
Now? I’ve branched out and started to create unique lists. I remember in years past getting thank you gifts for being in a bridal party, and though the thought was lovely, I never used any of the things I was given. It made me think about all the brides, and grooms, getting ready to purchase gifts for their wedding parties. I figured I could help them out, so I created a Wedding Party Gift Suggestions list. It’s full of ideas that could spark brainstorming, or perfect gifts engaged couples may not have thought about!
After we got back from a family vacation in Florida, I thought about all the things people might not realize they’ll need for their vacation, so I started another list! Who thinks about the best kind of underwear, and bra, they’ll need on a vacation? I know I didn’t before I left, but so glad I was given some sweet gifts while away. How could I not share the awesomeness in my Summer Vacation Essentials list, right?
I’ve got a few lits to check out, but my favorite one is my “not winning literary awards” summer reading list. Go over and check it out, and make sure you’re not easily embarrassed. It’s my only hint, you’ll have to go visit to see what I’m referring to.
What could win me something, though, is my WISH LIST. Shopswell has a little #AsYouWishWednesday Sweepstakes! Every Wednesday they’re going to choose a winner, and look at their WISHLIST. If the wishlist has something in it under $100, guess what? They’re going to send it out to you, as long as your address is current on your account! This is not a joke, my friends.
Do you want to win from your wishlist? Perhaps a little something under $100?
Come and join me at Shopswell, I’ve got my very own invite code you can use right here –> Shopswell Invitation from November Sunflower. Start making your wishlist as soon as possible! You don’t want to miss out on winning something from your list! Hurry up, go sign up and start your lists. There’s no time to waste.