16 04, 2014

Roc® Brand deep wrinkle treatment prize pack

By | 2015-02-12T15:25:53-05:00 April 16, 2014|Lifestyle, Reviews|Comments Off on Roc® Brand deep wrinkle treatment prize pack

Who's interested in winning a fantastic Roc® deep wrinkle treatment prize pack worth approximately $145.00 from November Sunflower! #Eyes4NYC #cbias #collective bias #shop

17 12, 2013

Dark Chocolate can be a quick, easy treat after school

By | 2016-08-30T17:57:15-04:00 December 17, 2013|Food & Drink|Comments Off on Dark Chocolate can be a quick, easy treat after school

Our family is in constant motion. If we're not running to school, then we're running to some kind of after school activity. In between the running, we've got to grab quick meals so that we're not eating at 8 o'clock at night! Once the kids are done with homework, it's a quick bite to eat, [...]

9 09, 2013

Duane Reade reached 1 Million followers on Twitter and I helped them

By | 2016-08-30T17:10:45-04:00 September 9, 2013|Shopping In-store & Online|1 Comment

Duane Reade hits 1 million twitter followers - a milestone to celebrate, and to pat my back because I helped get them there! WOO to the HOO.