25 01, 2012

Review: Bari Koral family rock band’s “Anna and The Cupcakes” CD

By | 2018-02-12T16:09:27-05:00 January 25, 2012|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|6 Comments

Family Rock Bands Review: Bari Koral's Anna and the Cupcakes. Perfect CD for families to jam out to in the car, or at home. Great beats; wholesome lyrics; and, a true family rock band feel.

13 01, 2011

Bari Koral’s Rock and Roll Garden CD Review

By | 2018-01-16T13:40:11-05:00 January 13, 2011|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|17 Comments

Bari Koral family rock band Rock and Roll Garden CD Review. Hugely popular kid music singer/band Bari Koral has a new CD out. Great for families! See what we thought of it.