
Review: Bari Koral family rock band’s “Anna and The Cupcakes” CD

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.

family rock bandsBefore my kids were introduced to Bari Koral’s CD “Rock and Roll Garden” last year, all we listened to: my favorite radio stations. Adult music was the norm. Many of the songs they sang by heart. They had no interest in kid music. I tried many different types of kid music, but nothing stuck. Bari’s Rock and Roll Garden changed all of that. It took a couple of tries, but by the third time, they were digging it BIG TIME and wanted it on ALL THE TIME.

I had to bring it into the house and back to the car, so we could listen to it. Thankfully, it was pretty good for me to listen to non stop. Although, on the RARE occasions I was out without my kids, I’m sure I got a lot of stares when I would sing it to myself standing in line, or shopping. It’s all good. I’m one of those people that doesn’t really care what others think about me.

As far as family rock bands go, Bari Koral is the real deal

As luck would have it, Bari came out with a new CD this year. “Anna And The Cupcakes” is due out on Valentine’s Day this year (which is super cute, because it’s all about love and cupcakes and hugs and kisses). My kids LOVE IT!

Personally, I love the song “Butterfly,” as it has such a fantastic message stuck in the song about a cocoon turning into a butterfly. My kids LOVE all the songs, but they truly enjoy the songs:

  • “Gingerbread Man,” because they recognize the story from the holidays we just celebrated
  • “Anna and the Cupcakes” about disappearing cupcakes

The songs are upbeat, with some jazzy elements, too.

Impressive for adults

What impresses me about her CDs: I don’t mind listening to them. Bari has a great voice. It’s serene, and oozes soul. There’s a reason for that, she used to sing alongside singers like Norah Jones and Joan Osborne. She chose to go in a different direction after working with the Long Island Children’s Museum’s theatre manager. She’s got the CHOPS and she dedicates those chops to these kids’ songs, winning her the Nappa Gold Award, and Parents’ Choice Silver Award.

Plus, she’s a fellow New Yorker and we all know how much I love supporting my fellow New Yorkers!

Bari’s also a Yoga Instructor and did a video for her song “The Sun Dance”, which leads kids through the yoga sun salutations. As expected it’s the number one yoga video on YouTube. I know my kids may not be into the Yoga one, but they definitely dig the videos for “Backpack” and “Hey Ducky” from her freshman album, “Rock and Roll Garden.”

Bari’s the complete package, seriously. If you want to get a fantastic playlist of music for your kids that won’t cause you to want to slam your head against the wall because you have to listen to it every day, all day, she’s the go-to for us in our home! I highly recommend BOTH of her CD’s.

Bari Koral Family Rock Band Anna and the CupcakesDisclosure: NovemberSunflower.com is a small business. In order to survive, there's a need to make money. I love a lot of things, I share those things, and if I can make a little commission here, and there, I'm 100 percent going for it. Why should the brands I love be the only ones making money, right? Please, use my affiliate links within this post when placing your orders with the brand, or joining up with the brand. Your support is beyond appreciated!

By | 2018-02-12T16:09:27-05:00 January 25, 2012|Entertainment, Reviews|6 Comments

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!


  1. Sofia's Ideas January 25, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Wow! I’ll actually have to check out that yoga video – sounds right up our alley! Very cool.

  2. Nancy Cook February 6, 2012 at 11:35 am

    I was here. Please enter me in the giveaway.

    • November Sunflower February 6, 2012 at 11:57 am

      You are the first official entry. PS-You are also entered for answering the question correctly!!! Two entries so far. Good luck Nancy!

  3. Saltistjejen February 10, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Thanks for the review! Actually BARI WILL GIVE A CONCERT THIS COMING SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12 at the Rockefeller Campus here in NYC!

    It starts at 11 am and the doors open at 10.30.
    I till be in the Caspary Auditorium on the RU Campus!
    The tickets are 10 dollar/person (babies free) and everyone who buys her CD then will get a free cupcake! :-)

    Guest artists will be Kathryn (who is actual the yoga instructor with Bari) and also Ulrich.

    Everyone is welcome!
    Gonna be a lot of fun!

    • November Sunflower February 10, 2012 at 2:19 pm

      Thanks for the info! Nothing like a free cupcake after a great concert!

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