July is the first “official” summer month. At least, I always thought of it as the start of summer. I know, June has the official first day of summer, and all that jazz, but to me, 4th of July has always been the official start to all things SUMMER! So what’s the deal with shopping in July? What should you buy in the month of July, that will maximize your savings, but still get you the quality you always dream of?
What you should buy in the month of July?
It’s pretty basic for the month of July…….sure hope you didn’t buy yourself a bathing suit for the season yet!
Bathing Suits
Everyone bought bathing suits in the Spring. All the suits are now hitting the sales rack, or the clearance racks. July is fantastic, because you can sort of still have a good selection, and save a ton. When July ends, and August rolls around, there’s not much left in the bathing suit section. It’ll be one rack, far in the back of the store. So go in July, spend less money and have a little more bathing suit variety.
Summer Clothes
It’s the same story every year. People buy in the Spring, when they should just wait until the stuff is going on sale, or on the clearance racks once Summer rolls around. Again, hit these racks in July when there’s a bit of a selection. July’s the best time for the most value for your spending dollars when it comes to summer clothing fashion.
Lowering prices in July makes sense to stores, because new stuff will be arriving in August. Newer models, updated styles. You’ll only see super great deals in July, and again in January. Only because February and August are when the newest stuff is going to need room in the stores!
No holidays to buy jewelry for in July. Unless you’re like me, and you’ll be celebrating your wedding anniversary. However, traditionally, July isn’t a huge gift giving month. It’s one of the few months of the year when you might just get lucky with a sale on jewelry. I’m not talking about Macy’s jewelry department. I’m talking GO TO A JEWELRY STORE, and negotiate with them. It’s not Valentine’s time, or Mother’s Day season…..you’ve got more of a shot getting a fantastic piece of jewelry you’ve been eying if you head to the jeweler in July. Just sayin’.
Want to go to Vegas, but not have to sell your soul to afford it? Go in July. You can get low airfare, along with super inexpensive hotel rooms. WHY? Vegas is a mecca for businesses and corporations. However, no one wants to take their clients to Vegas in July. Vegas wants their rooms, and casinos, filled all year round. July happens to be a slower month, so the deals will pile up. Take advantage!
DO NOT wait for August to hit. Kids are heading back to college, and to school. All of a sudden everyone will want to buy a computer for the new school year, and prices will rise. You’ll see all of these “sales” happening as the school year comes around. However, in July, you can go and find amazing deals on the older models the stores want OUT before the new stuff needs to go up on the shelves!
Go for the older model, before the brand new models hit the stores. You’ll have a good selection, get a few good prices (especially if you can haggle with the sales people,) and if you use the right credit card, you can price guarantee if they decide to drop the price of your older model computer within 90 days of you buying it!