When life is just kicking me in the balls and I can’t seem to find the motivation to not only set goals for myself, but then create action steps to achieve goals – I turn to movies (and music, but we’re focusing on movies for now). But, not just entertaining movies that spark laughter. No, I go for inspirational movies that’ll inspire me to get up off my ass and ignore what roadblocks life builds in all my paths.
Best Inspirational Movies to MOTIVATE You
So, which movies do I turn to during my motivation struggles? What gets me tossing my popcorn on the floor as I stand up filled with passion screaming “I CAN DO THIS SHIT”? Honestly, none. Mostly these movies nudge me. They remind me I’m not too old, not too dumb, and not too tired to set goals for myself and then create action plans to make those goals my bitches.
People didn’t think the doctor could do something, but he did it, even if for a short period of time. And, you know what, that’s okay. Every medical advancement is one that leads to another advancement – but, someone has to try to get that ball rolling, right? Don’t settle for the status quo! See a problem, work on a solution.
The Natural
You think you’re too old to make your dreams come true? I mean, sometimes you are, but more often than not, there’s still plenty of time to achieve your goals. I also love Robert Redford, so this might also be why I enjoy watching this one. He started my obsession with red heads.
I mean, if you don’t know Sean Astin’s Rudy you’ve been living under a rock your entire life! A too short, too small, too poor kid with a dream never gave up and managed to find himself on one of the most well-known college football teams in the world and got to play. WHAT????!!! Yeah, that’s some shit right there. Never think you don’t belong!
Freedom Writers
Whenever anyone tells me “well this is just how it is done here”, I sit down and watch Hilary Swank’s portrayal of Erin Gruwell who, quite literally, helped change the lives of her students after being told it was a lost cause. NOTHING is every a lost cause! You just have to work the problem.
The Impossible
Now, this one isn’t so much about motivating me to set goals. It’s more a reminder that sometimes you just have to remember how blessed you are to be alive after something devastating happens.
Sometimes, you just have to take the chance. When you do the work, keep learning, growing, and improving – an opportunity will knock. You have to take the chance, feel the fear, but be brave and do it anyway. Remember, the worst that can happen is it doesn’t work, but you tried!
Hacksaw Ridge
If people continue to tell you that you have to do things a certain way to find success, tell those assholes to shut up. See the goal you want to achieve, set the action plan to do it without selling your soul and abandoning your beliefs and values. If someone can be in the military and not kill a fellow human being during battle, but still be awarded the Metal of Honor for bravery, because his upbringing instilled in him that killing is wrong, well that’s something EVERYONE in this world should take to heart. Most of us aren’t faced with such extreme situations, but we are presented with challenges as we pursue our goals, and this movie reminds us we CAN live our lives without compromising our beliefs and integrity.
Life Ain’t Easy
For most of us, life challenges us on the daily. Inspirational movies give us reminders that we’re not doing this alone. People truly do make a difference, and many can set goals and achieve those goals regardless of the bumps in the road. Is watching movies the perfect solution? Maybe not for everyone, but if it spending time viewing inspirational movies works for you, then do it! We all have our own ways of handling life’s shitstorms!
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