
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Each year we celebrate one of the most important, and influential men, in our Nation’s history: Martin Luther King, Jr. Many schools don’t spend time teaching students about MLK, and all he is responsible for. Martin Luther King Jr quote

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.

In New York, we honor him with an actual Federal Holiday. It means no mail, and no school. If your children are lucky enough to be in a school district that believes in the importance of ALL HISTORY, you’re kids are probably aware of Martin Luther King’s significance. Let’s all push our schools to teach more about the TRUE history of our country.

If you’re not lucky enough to have educators giving lessons on this great man, head to your local library, and teach them all on your own. If you can’t get to the library, no worries, YouTube has a vast collection of videos dedicated to MLK Jr. Enjoy them with your kids.

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About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!