25 11, 2021

5 Best Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

By | 2023-09-19T11:21:32-04:00 November 25, 2021|Food & Drink|Comments Off on 5 Best Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Italian families are over-cookers. It's what we do. When we have two guests coming over, we cook for 10. Food is our love language, and we have no idea how to prepare the proper amount of food, including side dishes, for any kind of gathering. As a result, we end up with a ton of [...]

5 10, 2021

Have a Healthy Thanksgiving by Being Mindful of What You Eat

By | 2023-09-19T11:25:42-04:00 October 5, 2021|Food & Drink|Comments Off on Have a Healthy Thanksgiving by Being Mindful of What You Eat

Mindfulness as a benefit to mental health is nothing new and has taken a much more prominent role in people’s lives. School children now have lessons devoted to it and employers are encouraged to promote mindfulness to care for their employee’s mental health. Being aware of your body and your breathing are core principles of [...]

22 11, 2017

7 of the best Thanksgiving side dishes

By | 2023-10-22T13:19:42-04:00 November 22, 2017|Food & Drink|2 Comments

When I think about Thanksgiving, I think about, well food. It's what I think about almost all the time. Thanksgiving is no different, of course. What's unique about my Thanksgiving? Well, I don't like turkey. I'll eat sliced deli turkey in a hero, however I'm not a big fan of chowing down on a big [...]

14 11, 2016

When did Thanksgiving become insignificant?

By | 2018-03-10T17:18:55-05:00 November 14, 2016|Lifestyle|Comments Off on When did Thanksgiving become insignificant?

When did Thanksgiving become insignificant? Recently, I made a trip to a brick and mortar store. It happens sometimes. I can't do all my shopping online, because lately, I've been super lazy about gift buying. I wait until last minute. While in the store, all the Christmas things were out and Christmas was playing while [...]

9 11, 2016

Gluten free desserts for Thanksgiving gatherings

By | 2023-09-19T17:48:18-04:00 November 9, 2016|Food & Drink|Comments Off on Gluten free desserts for Thanksgiving gatherings

Gluten free desserts for Thanksgiving gatherings isn't something I ever thought I'd write about. Gluten has never been an issue for me, until recently. I don't have Celiac, however, my body seems to have a sensitivity to it. GLORIOUS. An Italian with some gluten sensitivities just isn't right! During holidays, and major events, in order [...]

27 11, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from the Sunflowers

By | 2014-11-22T13:12:37-05:00 November 27, 2014|Family|Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving from the Sunflowers

Thanksgiving. I remember when I was younger, everyone had to get all their Thanksgiving supplies before the holiday, because no stores were open on Thanksgiving. We all survived having stores closed, because we all headed out to be with loved ones. Now?  Stores are opening up earlier, and earlier on Thanksgiving Day. I'm not sure [...]