Summer’s ending. Almost everyone is gearing up for school. I mean, seriously, everyone knows August is college season, plus back to school season. Can you guess a few of the things you’ll find deals on this month? You know it’s back-to-school goodies.
What you should buy in the month of August to maximize your yearly budget
However, there are some things to buy in the month of August that have nothing to do with school. Just good stuff that’ll be on sale thanks to the arrival of fall season goodies, and the need to get rid of some of the summer stuff left over!
Anything you can buy for a dorm room:
If you’re looking to stock up on some new towels, it’s time! Kids are heading to college, and that normally means towels and sheets are going to be necessary for the dorm rooms, or university apartment. Take advantage of this time of the year to grab these things while they are on sale. Many places offer money-saving coupons.
Storage Items
Again, kids are going off to college. They need lots of storage bins. Under the bed storage bins are key in dorms. Dorm rooms are tiny, or at least they were when I went to college. Sure, some of the kids who are older get a luxury type of suite situation, but they, too will need storage. So get in while the getting’s cheaper!
Organization Items
Have you ever seen a dorm room? Yes, tiny. You need all kinds of super amazing organizational items, like those shoe storage items that hang over the door. In this case it’s not as much for shoe storage, but more for toiletries. Plus, stackable organizational items. Whatever way these kids need to organize, all kinds of these organizational types of items will go on sale. It’s all centered around going back to the college campus!
Anything you need for the start of the school year:
School Supplies
If you don’t have kids, but you have an office, head out and stock up pens, pencils, folders, hanging folders, file folders, notebooks, notepads, post its, and so much more. August is the Back to School season, and sales will be popping up all over the place, and TONS of coupons. While out and about, pick up what the kids need, but also what your office needs, too.
I don’t know why this happens each year, but a lot of places like Best Buy, bundle things for the upcoming school year. Laptops with special software, or gadgets, or whatever. To score huge discounted “bundles”, you’ll need a student I.D. If you’re purchasing a laptop, ask about student bundles. Often you won’t need a student I.D. for the discount. Lesson of the day? ASK. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know.
Kids’ Clothing
All the stores will start offering the Back to School clothing sales. Coupons, sales, discounts, buy one get one, and all that jazz. Load up if you are a parent who has children that grow crazy fast, and you can’t buy stuff the previous year for the Fall Season. My kids are still rather slow growers, so I stock up when they have the season ending sales the year before. Many cannot do this, and have to wait until the actual season and year they need the clothing. Well, this is the time to load up.
Summer’s basically over, so there’s a ton of discounted items, along with clearance items, you can get right now:
Summer Clothing for Kids
Around here on Long Island, the kids are still hot in the classrooms, because hey, Mother Nature has lost her mind. However, summer clothing doesn’t really go on sale when the weather changes. It goes on sales when new stuff comes out for Fall. Once the Fall fashions are in, the summer stuff moves to clearance. End of August, prices are dropped again and most likely, a season-ending sale is announced. You got it, August is the month to score if your kids grow slow, and you can stock up for them this year, for the following summer season.
Summer Clothing for Adults
Most adults are pretty much grown……so if they buy during the sales happening after the season change in stores, you’ll be perfectly fine the following year. Styles may change, but honestly, if you’re not a trend setter, just head out and buy while you can get huge discounts, and big sales. Plus, there’s a lot of money back type of situations happening, at stores like Kohl’s, where you can earn Kohl’s Cash for what you buy. It helps make it more fun!
The pickings are slim, but SUPER CHEAP in August. If you don’t mind having less options, and SEARCHING for our size……now’s the time to buy your swimsuits for next summer.
Sandals & Summer Shoes
It’s the time of the year where EVERYTHING summer related needs to go. Shoes are no different. Look for sales on deeply-discounted sandals and summer shoes.
Outdoor Toys
Most parents are storing outdoor toys, not buying them. Now’s the time to hit up the sales, but also to find a store that will work on pricing with you, so they can get it off their shelves, and make room for all the latest toys coming out for the holiday season!
Camping Gear
For real? Again, camping season is closing shop. Not a lot of people will be hitting stores for camping gear. Haggle time, my friends. Get out there and work your verbal skills! Get your camping gear for next season at a much lower price.
Waited all summer, right? August will show up with great deals on Grills and BBQ’s. As the summer ends, and September and October roll around, Grills will continue to decrease in price. Head for the floor models, it’s always a good idea to head for the floor models! Work with the sales people, they want to sell it, and many just want to get them out of the way for the Winter Season goodies making their way into the store soon.
And if you want to handle the hot climates, August is about as hot as it gets in places like Florida, Vegas, and Arizona….
There’s not a lot of people who want to visit Vegas in August. Hotels are hoping to fill their rooms, so they don’t lose a ton of money. Now’s the time to check them out. Use your travel sites, for sure, but also try to contact the hotels directly. Hotel staff are always willing to work on it with you…….tell them what pricing you found online, see if they can match it, or go lower. Ask for perks, or upgrades.
If they can provide them to you, you’ll be happy to enjoy the hottest time of the year in Vegas, Arizona, Florida, etc. Plus, a lot of kids are heading back to school, so hotels in MANY touristy areas will be hurting. Families won’t be visiting, as kids are back in school. See what other areas you’ve been wanting to visit can do for you…..
Airline Tickets
Most kids are heading back to school, families aren’t doing a lot of traveling in August. Tickets tend to be a little more affordable. Head to a super hot area, like Florida, and you’ll probably score even better prices on tickets. It’s all in timing, and temperature!
Love it… crazy how the stores sell kids clothing two seasons ahead, as if we know what size they will be in 6 months! By the way, NOW is an fantastic time to head to Kohls or Target and buy the snow pants for next year! I got ours (2 sizes bigger than this years) for $7 each!
And you can get snow pants big, because you just shove them into the boots! LOL!!! They can be long, and no one cares.